Assessment 2 Global Health Essay

In this assessment, students will write a 1000 word 'academic editorial' on two country's handling of COVID-19 from 2020 till date, July'21.

  • Choose two countries from the list provided below and present your views on the chosen countries overall performance during Covid, highlighting salient points of the health system functioning, population affected, and key policies enacted/missed. Contracting themes or similar approaches used by both countries that emerge from your research should be highlighted.
  • Choose any two countries from this list: 1) the United States of America, 2) Australia 3) India, 4) Sweden 5) Korea, 6) the United Kingdom 7) Singapore
  • Research both countrys' performance using information available in the public domain which represents different perspectives such as government reports, community voices, journal articles, international WHO reports etc to arrive at your 'viewpoint'.
  • Present your opinion then of the country's performance with special reference to the health system structure which contributed/or not to the country's overall health performance. Similar themes 
  • The editorial will need to have current references to substantiate the viewpoint(choose APA or Vancouver style for the editorial).
  • References should be used from a range of sources including peer-reviewing journal papers, government reports, Media releases, International WHO reports, community voices etc.


Style Guide.

  • Please use Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 spaced. A cover page must be supplied with student number, editorial title, word count( excluding references/tables /figures).
  • Word count: up to 1000. Only essay content up to max of 1000 words will be read. The reference list is extra and not part of the 1000 word limit
    Tables/illustrations: 2 (permitted)

    References: up to 10 references. Vancouver-numbering style is recommended 



  • Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an opinionated news story.
  • Editorial Structure: An editorial is similar to an essay in that it focuses on a specific issue or topic, offers a thesis, and provides evidence and supporting arguments to convince its readers. The title clearly identifies the topic; the introductory statement includes the writer’s view on the issue; the body provides supporting evidence and examples, and the conclusion restates the writer’s view and provides a final appeal for the reader to agree to that view. 
  • Suggested steps for writing an editorial.
    • Decide on a topic.
    • Research your topic. (Seek the help of the Study Skills/ASK advisors for researching tips)
    • Create an outline.
    • Start to write.
    • Proofread. (Seek the help of the Study Skills/ASK advisors for grammar, structure and language support)
  • Examples: These are editorial examples from a leading medical/public health journal 'Lancet':
  • (Links to an external site.) 


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