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Assessment 2 Major Essay

Assessment: Written Assignment- Major Essay

Weight:          40%

Length:                        1500 words

Aim: The aim of this task is to allow you to apply your understanding of the impact of significant life events (context) on lifespan development across the developmental domains (physical, cognitive and psychosocial).

Task: Choose ONE character from ONE movie (listed on course site). Write a 1500-word essay which focuses on the significant event(s) in the character’s life story. Identify each of the significant event(s) and how these events have impacted on the character's development throughout his/her lifespan. You must use relevant theory and literature (minimum 8 references, MUST be from peer reviewed articles, including your textbook and other relevant lifespan textbooks) to analyse how environmental contexts influences a person’s development.


  1. Becoming familiar with the data – watch the movie (just watch the 1st time)
  2. Generating initial ideas – watch the movie again, make some initial notes on the significant events you have noticed in the main character’s life
  3. Searching for environmental factors – what events have impacted on the character’s development? Write your initial ideas according to the three developmental domains (some will cross over the three domains)
  4. Review the theory and literature that relate to the main events you have identified – make some notes with regards to what the theory tells you about each of the impacts on Organise your notes into your essay outline. Use course material and content.
  5. Write you essay discussing the significant event(s) and how these events impacted on the character’s development across the three domains.
  6. Use the theory and literature to give evidence to each of your Use point, evidence, relevance for each of your paragraphs.
  7. Have your essay proof read, check for accuracy for in-text referencing and your reference list (APA 7).

You MUST choose a movie and the suggested character from one of the following movies:

Lifespan Phase Movie Title
Infancy - Early Childhood Room Character: Jack
Middle Childhood I am Sam Character: Lucy
Middle Childhood and Adolescence From Homeless to Harvard Character: Liz Murray

Students are responsible for sourcing their chosen movie. You MUST chose the character suggested which depicts the related life phase(s).

Expert's Answer

Individual development is a long term procedure that starts when a child is born till h/she is in h/her adulthood and till h/she is dead. Each individual has different developmental abilities like physical, social and psychosocial that are evolved through out that person’s life. Physical developments entail hair growth, change of voice, weight, increase in height and much more whereas cognitive capabilities of person are developed during h/her childhood when h/she is capable of making decisions.

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