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Assessment 2 Major Essay

Assignment type: Major essay

Due date: Week 10 (Friday 8 May 2020 at 6:00pm). If it is late, you will lose 5% of possible marks (= 5/100 marks per working day). You have a maximum of five working days to submit the assignment from the due date (or date of approved extension) or you will be awarded zero marks.

Length: 1500 words

Markers will stop marking your essay once it exceeds 1500 words.

You will not lose marks if your essay is shorter than 1500 words, but you will lose marks if there is insufficient breadth and depth in the content of your essay.

The strict word limit should motivate you to be concise and clear in presenting the content.

  • The cover sheet and the reference list are NOT included in the word count
  • The introduction, body and conclusion are all included in the word count, including in-text referencing

NOTE: Material provided in the Marking Guide (in this assessment folder) will be explained via a recorded mini-lecture available mid-trimester - just to help you consolidate it - but you can use the Marking Guide at any time throughout the trimester as/when you feel ready to start your essay. Just remember ... the purpose of the essay is to give you the opportunity to develop skills in independent/self-directed learning, critical thinking and academic writing. It is for this reason that we do not spend a lot of time on the essay during the lectures and tutorials -the lectures are for learning course content and tutorials are for discussing the course content further.

Assignment Instructions:

Select ONE of the three essay topics below:

IQ (Intelligence Quotient)


Mental Illness (you may choose one or more specific mental health concerns for this topic e.g. depression, schizophrenia, addiction etc)

Question: To what extent can (level of IQ/differences in personality/severity of mental illness - choose only one topic) be explained by environmental and biological influences upon the person?

Task: Make an argument for the relationship between environmental and biological influences upon either (a) level of IQ [intelligence quotient] (b) differences in personality or (c) severity of mental illness. Note that students that choose mental illness may specify the type of mental illness.

Format and layout of the essay: Click here  for Griffith guidelines on how to format your essay, and to download assignment templates.

In brief, make sure your essay ...

  • Is typed on A4 white paper in black font
  • Is double-spaced with 2.54cm margins on all sides
  • Uses size 12 Times New Roman font
  • Has each new paragraph indented 5-7 spaces (or one Tab space)
  • Has page numbers
  • Has your student number inserted into the footer of the document
  • Has a separate page for your Reference list (which is not called a bibliography)

Expert's Answer

Postpartum depression is one of the mental illness that occurs among mothers and pregnant women. Due to Postpartum depression the relationship between a mother, child and her partner is negatively impacted. Postpartum depression is a mental illness that includes mood swings, self-centeredness and scared of disenchantment, this illness starts either during pregnancy or after fourth week of child birth (Pawils, Metzner, Wendt, Raus, Shedden-Mora, Wlodarczyk & Harter, 2016).

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