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Assessment 2 Written component for PX

Revised TASK 2:

Assessment 2: Written component for PX (50 marks, Equivalent to 2000 words) 

Due Date: 2nd June 2020 by 11.59pm (extended  from  20  May  2020  by  11.59pm) 

Please note there will be no more extension  for this task as we need to meet the official result reporting date. If you have been faced with  unforeseen circumstances that require you to apply for an extension please check the special consideration condition (on the course guide).

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify, interpret and apply policies and quality standards for leadership and management in the early childhood
  • Communicate professionally to parents, children, educational professionals and management, and government, and work collaboratively with stakeholders
  • Identify and respond appropriately to legal responsibilities and ethical issues that arise in early childhood

Students are required to successfully complete and meet all the requirements of 10-day professional experience component with children between the age range of 3 to 5 years old at an early childhood setting.

Task 2 is a written component to assess students for their learning in preparation for their 10 days placement. This task involves your engagement in a range of activities to be conducted in an early childhood simulated setting. Preservice teachers are required to acquire pedagogical leadership knowledge and skills beyond the administrative role and responsibility. As a pedagogical leader, you need to be reflective and view yourself as “partners, facilitators, observers and co-learners alongside educators, children and families …to create systems and structures that support the values and vision….for growing a quality learning environment” (Coughlin & Baird, 2013, p.1). 

Assessment 2 is divided into few parts and it requires you to:

Part (I): Construct a set of reflective questions (10 questions) for dialogue you would hold with your future early childhood Mentor by linking the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework. The developed questions aim to provide answers in guiding you through the day to day practices at the early years setting you will attend. The dialogue will provide insights such as routines, pedagogical approaches, learning experiences, philosophy and centre practices. Read through the task requirements and expectations listed and carefully consider the type of questions you would like to ask during the dialogue with the relevant person (s). List down the key questions in your submission for Part (I).

You will be provided with centre philosophy) on Canvas for this next aspect of the task.

Part (II) Examine the centre service statement of philosophy, using your own words, provide brief succinct features of what the centre’s beliefs and values are, not the whole philosophy statement.

You will be provided examples such as photo/s and/or video of a centre’s learning environment to conduct the following.

Part (III)

  1. a) Review the sample photo/s /video provided of layout of the centre’s learning environment and discuss it’s features in relation to how the learning resources and play environment/s are organised to support children’s learning and
  2. b) From above parts of task, discuss how Quality area 3 (Physical environment) of the National Quality Standards and EYLF are aligned to achieve children’s outcomes. Support and strengthen your discussion with relevant literature of educational leadership in early childhood from readings and contents in this course.

Part (IV)

Based on course content and readings, discuss broadly, the importance of family engagement and learning communities and provide information on how the sample centre can support relationships in NQS Area 6.

Part V) From a reflective educational leadership perspective of your professional learning experience to date (at the centre/ kindergarten) discuss how you would collaborate with your future mentor to discuss developing an identified emergent curriculum plan of learning experience of a selected area (eg, blocks, art and craft, language) to lead children’s learning. Discuss some of the planned pedagogy that you wish to adopt to promote children’s learning of the focused learning experience. Then imagine you have Implemented the activity to reflect on  the  experience.  Discuss and   link   relevant   examples from   your   identified pedagogy adopted of the imagined implemented curriculum to extend children's learning or interests. Strengthen your discussion with the support of leadership literature from readings in this course.  

Please be concise and succinct in your submission. Indicate clearly your total word count (equivalent to 2000 words) at the beginning.

Marking Criteria

I & II) Data collection information is relevant, well organised, aligned with the required National early years learning framework and based on significant information the task outlined to collect through dialogue and in context of setting. It has to be succinctly written in own words (eg philosophy), not directly all sourced for example from centre's website (10 marks). 

III) Identified significant aspects of the environment and demonstrated understanding of the relevant NQF and NQS and ability to link standards to practice. Critically reflected on leadership experiences in terms of understanding about children’s learning and curriculum for quality engagement and outcomes for children. Support with relevant literature of leaderships (10 marks).

  1. IV) Apply knowledge and understanding in an analytical approach to learning. The work shows an analytical approach to learning and understanding of professional practice in early childhood context (10 marks).
  2. V) Critical reflection and analysis on your leadership experiences and learning in terms of effective pedagogies and leadership strategies for quality early childhood education. Demonstrates ability and apply knowledge of pedagogical leadership for children's learning leading to quality early childhood education. Provide relevant examples to theories of leadership (15 marks).
  3. VI) Overall Structure and Organisation (5 marks)
    • Submit as a single folder, contents are well organised with clear structure, concise, correct grammar, punctuation and spelling throughout paper
    • Correct APA referencing style and reference list provided. Timely All submission of tasks needs to be in the following format
  • Typewritten and justified text
  • 12pt Arial
  • Numbered pages
  • No indent for paragraphs - miss a line between paragraphs
  • Word count stated at beginning of assessment
  • Each page must include your name and student number in a header/footer where appropriate

Course Grades:
Grades will be awarded on the following basis:

PASS (PA) To obtain a pass the pre-service teacher’s work meets the criteria for each piece of assessment. The student has addressed all the requirements of the task.
CREDIT (CR) To obtain a credit, in addition to the requirements for a pass, the pre-service teacher’s work includes more detail and depth and indicates a reflective understanding of the topic.
DISTINCTION (DI) To obtain a distinction, in addition to the requirements for a credit, the pre-service teacher’s work reflects an in-depth understanding of the course content relates theory to professional practice principles. Evidence of extra reading, on and beyond the text, will be required.
HIGH DISTINCTION (HD) To obtain a high distinction, in addition to the requirements for a distinction, the discussion will include an element of creativity. That is, the student will use their personal experience and extended reading to construct a reflective opinion that will be coherently expressed through their written and/or oral work.

Expert's Answer

Creation of strong and mutually respectful relationship with families and communities can enable the educators to create an environment which provides best conditions for children to learn. Stamopoulos, (2012) has mentioned that families are in better position to provide information about life and learning experiences of children that devise their learning abilities. Thus, inclusion of families in decision making can assure that children’s learning needs are addressed in most suitable manner (Waniganayake et al., 2012). In similar way, as mentioned in NQS standard 6, schools offer an opportunity to children to interact with and develop sense of belongingness for wider community (Early Childhood Resource Hub, 2020b). Children need support of educators to extend their belongingness from immediate families to the community. This support is enhanced by developing mutual relationship with the community as well, and allowing their input in enhancement of learning practices for the children (Cartmel, Macfarlane & Casley, 2012). The aspect of shared decision making is promoted at the Centre, as they communicate significantly with families and communities. Online portal has been maintained by the Centre that encouraged dissemination of information among different partners.

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