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Assessment 3 Group Case Study Report

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
Assessment:               Operations Report on “XYZ” and ‘Hard-Rock Café

Group size:                  Groups of three or four students.

In groups, prepare an Operations report based on the topics covered under the unit and the text book case the ‘Hard-Rock Café’ (HRC) (Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3) and  a chosen company/ ‘XYZ’

  • The objective of this assignment is for students to understand and link the practical operations functions, concepts and knowledge gained from this subject to do a comparative analysis of a chosen organization.
  • You can use the chosen ‘XYZ’ company brochures, or visit website and gather relevant information for your report.
  • For some conceptual matters you can use textbook and any other published operations management book and/or peer-reviewed journals.       

Please note: A penalty will be incurred if the word limit is exceeded. Markers will penalise submissions, which are more/lower than 10% above the recommended work limit by dropping the mark by 10%.

3000 words (excluding references)

Please use 1.5 spaces.

30% End of Week 3:

Session 9


    1. Assignment teams will be organised in Session 1 of Week 1. Exchange contact details once your team has been formed and it is your team responsibility to maintain regular contact.
    2. You are required to work closely with your team members on these major parts of the assignment.
    3. One assignment is required to be submitted on behalf of your team. Each team member is expected to contribute equally to the assignments as the same mark will be given to each team member.
    4. Assessment structure is shown below to guide your report. Marking Criteria is also available to inform you on how you will be marked so that you can maximise your assignment mark.

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  1. Conceptualise operations management principles and techniques so as to be able to apply this knowledge in practice
  2. Critically analyse operations functions and its management in manufacturing and service industries and their global supply channels
  3. Work collaboratively to solve variety of operational problems and to propose and justify solutions with reference to the application of appropriate methods and techniques
  4. Implement operations management knowledge for a lean and sustainable business
  5. Work collaboratively with other team members to prepare a group project report and deliver a professional presentation based around selected case study

Assessment Structure

The structure of the Operations Management case study report should consist of:

  1.  Table of Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Background
  4. Operations Strategies
  5. Operations Process
  6. Quality
  7. Capacity Planning
  8. Supply Chain Network
  9. Conclusion - Lessons Learned & Recommendations
  10. References
  11. Appendices

Assessment Requirements

Discuss the chosen product based ‘XYZ’ company Operations issues in terms of the following points:

  1. Give a brief introduction of the company, including; history, what products they make, local market share, who are the main customers, annual sales/demand. For comparison, use the definition of operations in terms of input, transformation process, and output.
  2. Identify HRC and XYZ’s mission, strategy and core competencies. Identify strategy changes that have taken place at HRC since its founding in 1971. Use SWOT analysis and identify competitive advantages of Yakult operations (for this part of assignment you can research from XYZ company website or other reliable sources).
  3. Operations process is important for any organisation. Although all operations processes look similar in that they all transform inputs, they do differ in a number of ways such as volume of output, variety of output, variation of demand for their output.
    1. Develop a flowchart for the chosen ‘XYZ’ company production process. Explain the production process. Discuss the process strategy. Are there any customised products available at the facilities?
    2. What is the chosen ‘XYZ’ company’s inventory policy (raw materials inventory, work-in-process inventory, finished goods inventory) in production and how do they manage the inventory? How do they distribute their goods?
    3. How do the chosen ‘XYZ’ company and HRC ensure sustainability in operations?
  4. Quality is defined as “consistent conformance to customers’ expectations”.
    1. Define quality of a manufacturing (the chosen product based ‘XYZ’ company) and service (HRC) operations. If XYZ/HRC doesn’t have the quality management culture at the factory, how does it will affect them in terms of the costs of quality?
    2. Discuss how XYZ builds in quality- its quality management system, quality assurance and quality certification.
    3. Using your own opinion explain what/how TQM tools or techniques XYZ follows or are in use or can use in their operations.
  5. Capacity planning: In the ‘goal video’, Jonah defines a bottleneck as “a resource that’s capacity is less than the demand placed upon it. Bottlenecks control the rate of output for any organization, not just a manufacturing plant”. What is the production capacity at XYZ plant? Describe a bottleneck in XYZ or HRC.
  6. Supply chain is important for any business operations. Draw a supply chain network (suppliers, manufacturer, distributors, retailers etc.) of your studied company (HRC or XYZ). Describe the role of information, demand and cash flow with the chain. Discuss logistics activities with the chain?
  7. Conclusion: Operations management lessons learned from the chosen ‘XYZ’ company. Your opinion and suggestions.

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Click here to access the marking criteriaSubmission details:

  • One soft copy of the report must be submitted. Soft copy should be uploaded on to Turnitin (through the VU Collaborate) by the end of Session 9. Hard copy needs to be presented to the lecturer in the class of Session 9 with declaration form signed by all the group members. 
  • Use references (Harvard Style) wherever it is necessary. References need to be peer-reviewed articles from journals. Recommended reliable resources:
    • Operations Management Journals from VU library e-journals sources (on line, e.g., Scopus)
    • Production and Operations Management Society Website (
    • APICS-the association of Operations management
    • Harvard Business Review (on line)

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