Assessment Task 1: A story only you can tell

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Assessment Task 1: A story only you can tell (10%)

About the assignment
This assessment task is an exercise in drawing on the autobiographical (the material of your own life) to construct a short story.
Specifically, you will choose an event from your life that involved a dramatic exchange between two characters. and write up this scene. in prose.
Important As will be discussed in tutorials, you will choose a life event that you are a) comfortable sharing (i.e. nothing private or unduly traumatic) and b) has some inherent dramatic potential (i.e. nothing that you consider uninteresting or inconsequential).
The scene, in the form of a 500-word story, will incorporate at least one explicit turning point. As will be discussed in lectures and tutorials leading up to the submission. a turning point is something that shifts the course of the story in some way and may include a change in the action, a revelation about character or the foreshadowing of upcoming crisis. You should give yourself time to write. revise and refine the story. so that the character voices are distinct. the details of the setting are clear, and the story has a discernible beginning, middle and end. NB: You will come back to this story when developing a fuller proposal for Assessment Task 3. rti Word limit: 500 words.

An important note: This submission must be your own original work. and not something that you have submitted for another course. in this or any other degree or qualification. When you upload a submission through Turnitin, an originality report is generated and you will receive a 'similarity score'.

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