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Assessment Task 1: Presentation
Details of task:
This task requires students to form groups, preferably 4-5 members, and research a chosen topic (see below list of topics available) which has international, national and local relevance. Students are required to analyze, evaluate and then present a clear and consistent argument by examining how international human rights and national legislative frameworks interact by contextualizing them within the human rights discourse.
List of Topics:
a. Mandatory detention of asylum seeker children
b. Northern Territory intervention
c. Rights of detainees in the war on terror
d. A submission to the UN on a specific issue g). Gender rights
Student groups will envisage themselves as a team of social workers working in a non-governmental agency required to present a case to the United National Human Rights Council. The presentation needs to address the following areas (please note this is a guide only):
1. Brief background to the chosen topic.
2. An analysis of the current trends, issues related to the chosen topic.
3. A critical evaluation of the legislative frameworks, the institutional, and procedural
mechanism for enforcing human rights as related to the chosen topic.
4. How it impacts on social work as a profession and its attempt to advocate for social justice
and human rights of individuals, families and communities.
Format: Your presentation will take a form that is chosen by the group (use of PowerPoint, video, you-
tube, maps etc) and will take 17-20 minutes. The presentation will is due on April 6th 2018.
Word limit: 17-20 minutes
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