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Action Plans:
The Boutique Build Australia was established in 2013 and aims to provide good quality designer houses for the nearby areas and surrounding in Sydney. The company now wants to expand its workforce and have intentions to hire more female workforce to have a balance in the workplace environment. There exists a problem in the company that often, it is hard for the company to appoint all the contractors for a project at the same time. The human resource manager has the task to analyze the strategy of the company in the procurement.
The first step to add in the report is the analysis of the Boutique Build Australia’s strategy in the procurement of the staff. The last strategy of the company is to attract, engage and develop the staff that includes many factors through which this objective by the company can be obtained. The main preference of the strategic plan under this objective by the company is to motivate the staff through different means, to train and develop the skills of the staff so that the client can be satisfied with the company, to encourage the staff to innovate new ideas and use new technology to attract more customers, to improve cultural and gender diversity in the workplace environment and to focus on client’s needs.
To, (email id of the manager and contractor).com
Subject: Human Resources Report
Dear (Manager and Contractor’s name),
I hope this email finds you in good health!
I have attached a detailed report that includes the analysis of the company’s strategy of the procuring staff and how can we expand our Boutique Build Australia in other parts of the country. We need to hire more female staff and we also need to find a solution for the availability of all the procurement staff for a project at the same time.
I hope through this report you will see what needs to be regarded as the company’s topmost priority.
Below is the attached file.
Thanking you,
Human Resource Manager.
The Human Resource 12-month plan is divided into 3 quarters, the plan is given below:
1st Quarter
Action Plan
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter |
Return on Investment:
This is a rough idea of how major activities will take place in a year and through this action plan, there can be seen a gradual change in the workplace. Through the hiring of a project manager, the issue of non-availability of the contractors will be resolved. Through teaching different new skills to the staff new and creative ideas will take place and the customer will be more than happy to work with us as the main priority is to satisfy the customer. The staff will adapt to new technologies that will be costly in the beginning but as the clients will get to know about the ideas and technology, they will opt for it and the company will make up for the investment done in the first place. Through educational workshops, the employees and staff will accept other employees no matter what their religion or color is.
To (email id of the Managing Director).com,
Subject: Human Resources Action Plan
Dear (Managing Director’s name),
I hope this email finds you in good health!
I have attached a Human Resource Action Plan that covers what will be done by the Human Resources Department in the coming year. The Action Plan is divided into three quarters and gives an idea of what needs to be done throughout the year.
I hope to receive a positive feedback from your side.
Below is the attached Human Resource Action Plan.
Thanking you,
Human Resources Manager.
Continuous Improvement Report:
This report looks forward to enhance and improve the company so that Boutique Build can expand in other cities and states. According to the case study, the company was built in seven years ago to provide citizens affordable designer houses with ease. The report needs to be analyzed and observed by keeping in mind the results. The vision of this company is mainly focused on the values upon which the company is built upon that are quality, innovation, integrity, respect, and reliability. Moreover, the Boutique Build has main strategic preferences that are to be profitable firms, to meet the customer desires, to uphold long-lasting relationship with the clients and to develop and attract the best staff there is. In 2015 the company digitalized the services and it resulted in more leads than before. The website traffic increased 172% that is from 7000 to 25000 and they were getting more leads through the website than by manually approaching the customers. They launched a Facebook page that generated more than 1000 followers organically. They used emails to get follow-ups from different customers included more than 4000 customers in their contact (Click Digital, 2016).
According to the strategic plan the company wants to hire more female employees and the company was able to implement it in the first quarter of the year 2017; they hired at least four new female employees. the company hired main offices in more cities that are Brisbane and Sunshine Coast. According to me, the company should improve in terms of motivation to the employees so that they are satisfied while working because a happy and satisfied workforce will generate favorable results and more revenue. Another recommendation for the company is that Boutique Build should also be active on other social media platforms like Instagram, this application is trending and the majority of the firms upload attractive picture of their services to attract the clients. Another main social media platform is LinkedIn, this application is for jobs and the majority of the people are employed through this platform. To expand the workforce the company can post any job advertisement and within a day or two, the business would be interviewing multiple candidates.
To (email id of every person in the team).com
Subject: Analyses of the report
I hope you find this email in good health!
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have briefly analyzed the results and findings of the report of the company and you will find some numbers that provide an insight on how far we have come and what needs to be done in the near future.
Hoping to get a prompt response from you all,
Thanking you,
Human Resources Manager.
Below is the attached file:
The Continuous Improvement Report
The Workforce Action Plan:
Attraction Strategies: there are multiple ways through which the Human Resource can attract the right people for the job as the company needs staff that can fully satisfy the customer. The HR can do this by describing the business and what services they offer in detail, by offering the candidates with their desired income or income that they deserve, their growth in the company.
Development Strategies: the HR can motivate people to work in the company more productively by providing them with incentives, training the new employees with new technology, motivating the employees to work smartly that will help them to think out of the box, to offer increments and bonuses to the deserving employees.
Retention Strategies: HR will send forward the CVs of the deserving candidates that they think can be suitable as a manager in their department; a manager is one who will take its team to success and will listen to them in time of need. Through this, the workforce will work together as one and the company will be able to achieve its objectives.
Succession Planning Strategies: internal hiring comes under this heading, the people who have proved themselves and were told that they will have growth in this company will actually see that the promises made in the start were not only words but it is proven through promoting them. The employees with much more experience will be given the utmost respect. Recommendations and feedback would be taken if they decide to leave the company.
To (email id of the assessor).com,
Subject: Workforce Action Plan
I hope you are doing well,
I have formulated a workforce action plan that will provide you with an insight into what I have in mind for the employees and their respective roles.
I hope you are satisfied with my plan,
Below is the attached file
Thanking you,
Human Resources Manager.
Assessment 5:
The implementation of the guidelines will be done firstly by emailing the proper code of conduct and guidelines to all the staff members and secondly will be done by guiding them through a workshop. The HR of the company will properly write an email in formal writing so that the employees get an idea of what the guidelines of the company are. Through this, the employees will be careful of the incidents in the future. The second approach is through a workshop, many of the staff that entails the employees aren’t keen on checking their emails so this workshop will inform them of the guidelines. The workshop will include the CEO of the company quoting the code of conduct to the workforce and highlighting the incidents that have led them to formulate and then implementing these guidelines. The HR will also act it out on how to treat the customers properly and not to do anything that can jeopardize their position in this company. The training will be held once a week for an hour at the start of the day as nobody is tired and have fresh minds, this will speed up the training process and the staff will be aware of the guidelines. The HR will explain one guideline in one training and will ask some of the members to act it out so that they get an understanding of what they need to do.
To (all the staff member’s email id).com
Subject: Implementation of the guidelines.
I hope you all are doing well!
Today the Human Resources department have taken upon themselves to ensure that the company’s reputation is intact by the staff members of the company. HR has come up with an idea of formulating Guidelines with the permission of the CEO and also how to implement it throughout the workforce. The guidelines will be implemented in two ways that have been briefly discussed in the attachment. The reason why this implementation of guidelines is important is because an incident have recently surfaced the internet where one our staff member have uttered disrespectful words to other company’s staff member. The training will take place after the implementation ways and the HR department will make sure that everyone is aware of the code of conduct.
Below is the attached file
Thanking you,
Human Resources Manager.
Click Digital (2016), ‘Boutique Home Builder’, Case study, Retrieved from
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