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Assessment Task 3 Individual Essay

Assessment Task 3_Individual Essay Submission link

Theories surrounding leaders and leadership continue to advance/develop as the complexity, scope of organizations shift from command-and-control structures to more agile structures for managing change. In today's environment, the pace of disruptive innovation is fast-tracking which is forcing organizations to rely on the latest leadership theories to keep organizations competitive in rapidly changing markets.

Task: Do you agree with the above statement?

In your response, critically evaluate traditional, conlfemporary and emerging leadership theories. Outline the leadership theory that you would consider to be most effective to keep organisations competitive in the changing markets - Please provide examples where appropriate.

Your analysis will should demonstrate third year capabilities for conducting thorough and detail research and critical thinking.

The essay must be properly formatted with cover page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion and references


In your essay refer to at least eight to twelve (minimum of 8 to 12) references, which need to be current academic references no older than 2013 where possible. An academic reference is a journal article or academic book

Expert's Answer

The topic of leaders and their style is as old as the human civilization, many myths and stories had been created describing the powers, specific characters and leadership style of the leaders. Later on, as the man developed more sense of understanding the actual world, and recognized the facts of nature, mythical beliefs about the leaders modified into concrete leadership theories. As stated by (Silva, 2016) that for many centuries, leadership was seen just as a personal quality, specific inborn qualities of a leaders were the common theme of the early period myths and leadership theories inscribed during the early period of more civilized world.

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