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Assignment 2 Literature Review


Building on from your first assessment task, you are now tasked with developing a literature review. A literature review is a powerful and important piece of work and one of the most used pieces of academic writing that you will use in your life beyond university. The aim of a literature review is to provide an analysis on the body of literature on your chosen topic. It is not an extended bibliography. A literature review requires analytic skills to be able to identify similarities and differences among scholars’ work, as well as identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the methods and findings. A literature review synthesises literature together and explains it to an unfamiliar reader. It is here where you make informed assessments about the quality and strengths of the claims researchers are making Time will be spent in class, and resources made available on Canvas, to help you develop the skills necessary for this. There needs to be a minimum of 8 sources used. 


  • There is a literature review at the beginning of EVERY research article you read. So pay attention to them! 


  • Provides a clear and relevant overview of the existing research in your area (8 marks)
  • Adequately support this background knowledge with at least 8 credible and relevant references from at least 3 types of sources (6 marks)
  • Critical analysis of the current debates in the literature, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the existing research (10 marks)
  • Structure your literature review in a logical and coherent narrative (5 marks)
  • Presented your findings in accordance with the conventions of good academic writing and referencing(6 marks)


Which factors affect the transition from school to employment of youth with disability in Australia?

Follow this instruction.

10 Sources:

Yu, Peng. "Disability and Disadvantage: A Study of a Cohort of Australian Youth." Australian Journal of Labour Economics 13, no. 3 (2010): 265-86.

Enayati, Hassan, and Karpur, Arun. "Impact of Participation in School-to-Work Programs on Postsecondary Outcomes for Youth With Disabilities From Low-Income Families." Journal of Disability Policy Studies 29, no. 4 (2018): 235-44.

Hirano, Kara A, Rowe, Dawn, Lindstrom, Lauren, and Chan, Paula. "Systemic Barriers to Family Involvement in Transition Planning for Youth with Disabilities: A Qualitative Metasynthesis." Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, no. 11 (2018): 3440-456.

Lindsay, Sally, McDougall, Carolyn, Menna-Dack, Dolly, Sanford, Robyn, and Adams, Tracey. "An Ecological Approach to Understanding Barriers to Employment for Youth with Disabilities Compared to Their Typically Developing Peers: Views of Youth, Employers, and Job Counselors." Disability and Rehabilitation 37, no. 8 (2014): 701-11.

Wehman, Paul, Sima, Adam P, Ketchum, Jessica, West, Michael D, Chan, Fong, and Luecking, Richard. "Predictors of Successful Transition from School to Employment for Youth with Disabilities." Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 25, no. 2 (2014): 323-34.

Fleming, Allison R, and Fairweather, James S. "The Role of Postsecondary Education in the Path From High School to Work for Youth With Disabilities." Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 55, no. 2 (2011): 71-81.

Pallisera, Maria. "La Inclusión Laboral Y Social De Los Jóvenes Con Discapacidad Intelectual: El Papel De La Escuela = Work and Social Inclusion of Young People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Role of the School." 2011.

Wagner, Mary M, Newman, Lynn A, and Javitz, Harold S. "The Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status on the Post–High School Outcomes of Youth With Disabilities." Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 37, no. 1 (2014): 5-17.

Dong, Shengli, Fabian, Ellen, and Luecking, Richard G. "Impacts of School Structural Factors and Student Factors on Employment Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities in Transition." Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 59, no. 4 (2016): 224-34.

Shogren, Karrie A, Wehmeyer, Michael L, Palmer, Susan B, Rifenbark, Graham G, and Little, Todd D. "Relationships Between Self-Determination and Postschool Outcomes for Youth With Disabilities." The Journal of Special Education 48, no. 4 (2013): 256-67.

Expert's Answer

Owing to the widely observed correlation between the disability and the disadvantage, including such unemployment and low wages it is noted that the people with disabilities are also a headset of public policies. While people with the disabilities and vulnerable children are at high side of disadvantage risk. The youth face a critical stage of their life that starts on the way to undergo certain transitions from their school to their post school life and from their adolescence to the early adulthood.

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