Assignment 3: Presentation on Inclusion, Equity, Social Justice & Diversity


Assessment 3

 Assessment Overview

Overview Length or Duration Worth Due
Presentation on inclusion, equity, social justice & diversity PART 1: Audio/Video/Written text 1: 3 mins/ 300 words

PART 2: Video submission- 3 mins

35% Part 1 due 5pm Saturday 11th June

Part 2 due 11:59pm Monday 13th June

Key Assessment Information

There are many stories of diverse experiences that surround us in our everyday life, and as you enter practice you will hear stories from families and children about their experiences.  

As an educator, listening to these stories is an active process, as you engage with what families and children are sharing, form relationships with these families and children, and integrate how you have understood these stories into your teaching practice with children.  

 This assignment is about making visible our ways of listening to stories and considering how our ways of understanding the stories we are told influence our understandings of inclusion & inclusive practice. 

The unit learning outcomes assessed are: 

LO3: Design responsive curriculum based on teaching practices that support inclusion, equity, and diversity. 

LO4: Reflect on perspectives that include the broad principles of justice, inclusion and difference. 

 Assessment Structure

 In this assessment, you will submit two short videos. 

Video 1: share your/A story

  1. Create a video/audio sharing your own story of inclusion.
  2. Submit your video/audio to the Flipgrid (see below)


  1. Write/ share a story of inclusion in the padlet below 

Video 2: listen to a story

  1. Listen to a story about inclusion: You can either do this by finding a story at The Immigration Museum and Bunjilaka at Melbourne Museum; through personal connections (a story from yourself, your family, or someone you know); or through the posts/ videos of your peers
  2. Record a video reflecting on how you listened
  3. Submit your video to Panopto and dropbox (see Panopto details below) 

Discuss the assessment with peers in the discussion forums.


PART 1: Share your story- 10%
    1. Tell us your story
      Share your own story of inclusion.  This is the narrative you have constructed from the events of your life (refer to A mile in my shoe). .If you're uncomfortable sharing your own story, you can alternatively create a fictional story or retell someone else's story. You can share this story via flipgrid or padlet.  

      1. If you're using Flipgrid, it can be audio and not visual so you could share your story while going for a walk or you could have an object in front of the camera. Please make sure your submission is audible and clear. Alternatively, you may write/ share it using  padlet below
      2. Please submit a copy of part 1 in dropbox 
    2. Use Flipgrid to record the video:
      1. Prepare to tell your story
      2. When you are ready, click on the red video recorder icon below record icon
      3. Enter the join code: 2b34fc1d
      4. If you are unable to access the embedded flipgrid below, go to the flipgrid webste: and type in the above joincode.
      5. Log into Microsoft using your VU login ID & password; or
      6. For those only able to log in as a guest, enter the following case sensitive password: ECE6008video         
      7. Record, delete and re-record if needed.  

PART 2: Listen to a story- 80%
    1. Listen to a story
      1. Carefully listen to a story about inclusion: You can either do this by finding a story online at The Immigration Museum and Bunjilaka at Melbourne Museum; through personal connections ( your family, or someone you know); or through the posts/ videos of your peers.

    2. Share your thoughts on the way you listened to the story of- diversity, immigration, privilege and other experiences of inclusive practice matter. (3-minute video)

    3. How did you listen to the story?   
      1. What moments of the story were most impactful for you? Why? Think about how you felt, your emotions, and your relationship with the storyteller. Consider why these moments might have been most impactful for you – do these moments connect to your personal experience? to what you are interested in? to things you are unfamiliar with? 
      2. What concepts, ideas, or experiences from your own life did you bring to your listening practice? For example, consider how your understanding of privilege, gender, race, or ability might have influenced how you listened to these stories.  
      3. What did you not hear when listening to the story? What might have been excluded from your listening practice?
    4. How do your practices of listening influence your approach to inclusive practices as a teacher?   
      1. What words might you use to describe how you listen to stories? How might your approach to responsive listening be unique? How does your approach to responsive listening align with your understanding of inclusive practice? 
      2. How does your way of listening to the story impact your ability to respond by forming relationships, creating belonging, understanding identity, acknowledging children with special rights, making visible children’s practices of engaging with difference, or advocating for inclusive practices?  
      3. Include a minimum of 2 references to the unit's readings and resources 
      4. Please submit a copy of part 1 in dropbox with Part 2


  1. Copy of PART 1- Your/a story
  2. Video link or video file for PART 2- How you listened to the story + implications for practice 
  3. Reference list 

Submission Instructions - Video 2: listen to a story

To submit a short video on Panopto, go to the top-level navigation in this VU Collaborate space > Video

    1. Log in to Panopto with VU credentials and click Create button, where you can choose:
      1. Panopto for Windows to record in application: Firstly, you will need to download and install Panopto on your computer. Once you open Panopto, the Record a Session window will pop up. Choose a location folder for your video and input a Session name.
      2. Panopto Capture to record in browser: The recording screen page will pop up, where you can video using the camera or record your screen. Click the record button and wait 5 seconds to start. Once you stop recording, you will be brought to a new page. Please wait for the video to process, there is a loading bar on the top to show progress. Choose a location folder and name your video. 
      3. Upload Media: Simply upload the video file you have recorded on other devices.
    2. After the video has been uploaded, you can edit it. Find the video in the folder then click edit
    3. Once you are ready, click share to get a Panopto link
    4. Please submit the video on Assessment 3: Presentation, paste the Panopto link to the comments box.

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