Assignment help on Risk factors enhance the developing of pressure ulcer among elderly patients

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This document will critique 10 researches and discuss the current assessment tool to assess registered nurse knowledge in order to prevent and manage the pressure ulcer and I identify the risk factors enhance the developing of pressure ulcer among elderly patient in long term care. I have been chosen these articles in terms to expand my intervention by improving the education of nurses and assess the ongoing education 

In Elizabeth et al 2017, according to JBI tool its clearly identify the name of the authors with their qualification and specialize in wound care, the text focuses on Educating of Nurses about Pressure Injuries which is related to a clinical intervention, by provide current information about pressure ulcer to educate nurses. The authors have mentioned the main point of improvement nursing education very well. The study strong in terms of including a variety of education method which can advocate future education skill and ability to work professionally. The researchers not clearly state the result in this article However the reference ware support their opine.

In Elsy Athlin et al 2005, based on JBI tool the target population of the nurses were clear characteristics but not appropriate selection of gender. The way of selecting the patient participant in the study was categories, However, the patient’s characteristics were not described This study could not generalised because the limited number of sample size. Moreover, this study has sufficient details related to capturing factors of importance affecting patient with pressure ulcers. The aim and outcomes had been explained that mean strong internal validity. Despite of this study not reliable because they have not retested the result and not provide any appropriate statistical analysis or table.

In Simonetti, Comparcini , Flacco , Giovanni, Cicolini 2014 ,by using JBI the authors not provide detail exclusion criteria although, they identify a clearly of the  characteristics of the sample. The knowledge assessment instrument tools in the study was reliable because thy test the tool twice. I think the validity of questionnaire was appropriate because it consists a verity type of equation which expressing and assessed the most relevant aspect of pressure ulcer.

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