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Assignment Indigenous Australians and diabetes


Indigenous Australians and diabetes: An explanation of vulnerability and the possibility for improved care


 In this assessment students are asked to explore the social conditions and circumstances that put Indigenous Australians at increased risk of acquiring Diabetes Type 2 and subsequently experiencing poorer disease management and care. Students are also required to evaluate the potential for integrated care delivery to improve the prevention and management of diabetes for this population group.

Task: (length:1200)

Students are required to:

  1. Relate their discussion to the Social Determinants of Health, the Principles of Primary Health Care and the Chronic Care Model.
  2. Critically discuss, in view of outcome research, the utility of integrated care in risk mitigation and improved diabetes management (DT2) for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • It should be written in an essay style and should take a critical approach. Evidence (references) must be provided throughout the discussion to support points raised and discussed. Please read carefully the attached marking rubric before commencing this assessment

Expert's Answer

Indigenous health indicates the physical, cultural, social and emotional well-being of  Indigenous Australians. According to the reports, unlike non-indigenous Australians, indigenous Australians are more likely to have health problems

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