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How to Write a Literature Review
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Literature review is a nucleus of research paper. It’s a scientific investigation used to succeed in established facts and support new conclusion, as each research is mainly based on existing data. For every research, outline literature review which is a survey of scholarly articles, books, journals and other scientific sources relevant to space of study,
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7 Apps to Help Students with Studies
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Currently, we are living in an era that is surrounded by technology that has made our lives easier. All Hail to smartphones who is possessed by every student in the world moreover, new applications are being introduced every day for the students to make their studies and lives easier. By using them students can concentrate more on
How to give a good presentation under pressure
Monday, 23 December 2019
Do you get under pressure while facing the audience? Do you have a stage fright while presenting your thesis? Currently, the majority of the people face problems while presenting, they start to stutter or their hands get sweaty and if it’s visible to the audience you might not get good feedback. For instance, you have
What is the difference between Editing and Proofreading
Thursday, 05 December 2019
People around the world doesn’t understand the difference between editing and proofreading, they think that they are synonyms but they are not. There is a fine line between editing and proofreading and those of you who aren’t aware of the difference this article will be the perfect help for you to understand the difference. Students