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BBUS1003 Business Communication

Unit BBUS1003 Business Communication  

Assessment Type



Assessment Number A4B  
Assessment Name Reflection (800 words)  
Weighting 20%  
Alignment Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate attributes

GA 1: Communication

GA 2: Collaboration

GA 3: Research

GA 4: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving GA 5: Ethical Behaviour GA 6: Flexibility

with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

ULO1: Reflect on the principles of academic and professional integrity.

  ULO2: Apply clear, evidenced based, coherent and
  independent exposition of knowledge and ideas in
  written communication.
  ULO3: Demonstrate understanding of the writing
  process in the production of various types of
  academic and business communications.
  ULO4: Follow etiquette conventions to create
  formal business communications.
Due Date and Time Week 12, Sunday 11th October 2020, 5:00PM (AEST)  
Assessment Description Students are required to submit an 800 word reflection on what they have learned and how they have performed throughout the trimester.

Content and Structure

This assessment is to demonstrate that you have learned theories and practice of business communications, and how important those theories are to business communications. You are to discuss how you have performed throughout the trimester and reflect on what you believe you have taken away from doing this unit. Content

You should write it like a journal but should not be just like a diary. To do this consider the following:

·    What you learned throughout the trimester

·    What were the main theories covered

·    What issues you had

·    How you performed

·    What things do you still need to improve.

Detailed Submission Requirements

Submit to A4 Link on BBUS1003/BUS1003/BUS105 Moodle Page.

  • Title page
  • Header/Footer details including page number
  • 5 cm margins
  • 5 point spacing
  • Calibri or Arial font
  • 11-12 size font
  • 1-3 credible sources
  • Use Harvard referencing including in-text citations and reference


  • The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle.
  • Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information and included it in your assessment
  • Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or other students etc.) without the acknowledging the author is classified as
  • Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the group work arrangement is classified as
  • To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support coordinator ( if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it).
  • The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website (

Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle.

Expert's Answer

For any business, communication plays an important role in creating, communicating, and interpreting facts, ideas, and opinions about individual and organizational effectiveness and performance to achieve organizational goals (Raman & Singh, 2012). Usually, the focus is on the communication efficiency of the management as ineffective communication may result in mismanagement, however, the middle level and junior level employees must also be proficient in communicating as while management is involved in developing strategies, middle and junior level employees are involved in executing strategies. Based on the success of execution, the management must adapt its strategy (Knaflic, 2015). While I understood the significance of business communication to an extent before taking this course, however undertaking this course enhanced my knowledge drastically as I learnt different topics during this course.

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