Big Data strategy Report - Assignment Help

Assessment Task:

This is an individual assessment.         
In this assessment, you are required to produce a report based on the Big Data strategy document you developed for Assessment-2(Presentation). You also need to analyse the datasets relevant to the business that you identified in Assessment 1 using any big data tools and describe how the outputs of these tools could help you to create the Big Data Strategy. You can include any additional datasets that would support your big data strategy.

At the beginning of the report, you will identify some Big Data use cases based on the Big Data strategies you developed for Assessment 2. In the following part, you will critically analyse different Big Data technologies, data models, processing architectures, and query languages and discuss the strengths and limitations of each of them. You will also discuss different Big Data analytics and business intelligence tools that can be applied to the chosen datasets so businesses can gain actionable insights from Big Data. Moreover, you will discuss the Big Data technologies that you could use for data collection, storage, transformation, processing, and analysis to support your use cases.

You will also illustrate the Big Data technology stack and processing architecture required to support your use cases. You have to provide the rationale behind each of the choices you make. Finally, you will specify what user experiences you are going to provide to aid in decision-making. Your target audience is executive business people who have extensive business experience but limited ICT knowledge. Hence, they would like to be informed as to how new Big Data technologies that you have applied to the datasets could benefit their business. Please note that a standard report structure, including an executive summary, must be adhered to.


The report should be formatted on A4 International Standard paper with margins of 2.54 cm. Line spacing should be set to 1.5. The preferred font size is 12 point. Pages should be numbered in the footer as follows: title page has no page number; Executive Summary and Table of Contents should be Roman numerals i and ii; and main text to have Arabic numerals commencing at 1.

Table of Contents

The table of contents should be auto-generated using MS-Word. Instructions can be found here

The main body of the report should include but not limited to the following topics:

  1. Big Data Use Cases
  2. Critical Analysis of Big Data Technologies
  3. Big Data Architecture Solution

The length of the report should be around 3000 words. You are required to do extensive reading of more than 10 articles relevant to the chosen Big Data use cases, technologies, architectures, and data models. You will need to provide in-text referencing of the chosen articles. Your assessment must have a Cover page (Student name, Student Id, Unit Id, Campus, Lecturer and Tutor name) and Table of Content (this should be MS word generated).

Caution: ALL assessments will be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin.
Assessment Submission:
You must upload the written report to Moodle as a Microsoft Office Word file by the above due date.     

Assessment Criteria:

You will be assessed based on your ability to critically analyse, use, and evaluate different Big Data technologies and to apply Big Data architecture, tools, and technologies to support Big Data use cases. The marking criteria for this assessment are as follows.

Executive Summary - 3 marks

Table of Contents - 2 marks

Introduction - 2 marks

Big Data Use Cases - 3 marks

Critical Analysis of Big Data Technologies - 8 marks

Use of Big Data tools on the dataset - 5 marks

Critical analysis on the output - 8 marks

Big Data Architecture Solution - 3 marks

Conclusion - 3 marks

References - 3 marks

Expert's Answer

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