BMA583 Journal Article Review
This task requires students to select ONE (1) HRM practice (e.g., Training, Compensation, Recruitment etc.) and complete the following tasks:
- Download and read THREE (3) peer-reviewed journal articles related to the specific HRM practice you have chosen that have been published since 2015.
- Summarise the journal article content for your marker by (i) providing a combined/comprehensive definition of the HRM practice as presented in the 3 papers, (ii) describing the common HRM context (e.g., public sector, financial industry, not-for-profit) within which each of the journal articles studied the HRM practice, and (iii) summarise the conclusions and recommendations for effective HRM management in this regard.
The Journal Article Review should include an Introduction section to provide an overview of the answer to the marker.
Following are some of Academic Journals you may consider:
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
- Human Relations
- Human Resource Management Journal
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Work, Employment and Society
Please note:
- Please ACCURATELY reference the academic journal publications. You will need to use the Harvard Referencing Style Guide for your in-text and full reference citations.
- Word count does not include references.
- By submitting your assignment on MyLo:
You declare that all material in this assignment is your own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others. You am aware that your assignment may be submitted to plagiarism detection software, and might be retained on its database. You have read and complied with the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on the University website at
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