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BMO2201 Assessment 2 Group Presentation

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
Students are required to present and deliver a 10 minutes presentation based on their company researched in Assessment 3

The purpose of this assignment is to: Demonstrate your ability to work with other team members in delivering a professional class presentation on a case study based on a factory or site visit.

10 minutes 10% End of week 2 – presentations scheduled during Session 6 

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

1. Appraise the major role of distribution in managing supply chains;

2. Apply specialised knowledge of distribution management to review channels of distribution, their main participants and their relative importance;

3. Conceptualise how the distribution function provides the key link between manufacturers and suppliers on the inbound side and retail and customers on the outbound side;

4.Argue the importance of the customer service function to the logistics efforts of the firm; and

5. Work collaboratively with other team members to prepare a group project report and delivering a professional presentation based on a selected case study.


    1. Students are required to form a team of four members (same group as Assessment 3).
    2. Groups are requested to prepare a 10 minutes presentation based on their research for Assessment 3.
    3. You will give a brief outline your chosen company, and discuss the 2 distribution management topics and how they relate to the company
    4. The presentation can be done by 1 person but there should be evidence of a group effort.
    5. The format of the presentation is up to you. Forward you submission to your Lecturer.

Assessment Structure and Requirements

Using the company you have chosen for Assessment 3, prepare a 10 minute video presentation outlining the company and discussing the 2 distribution management topics which are significant to the organisation.

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

  • Analysis of the chosen company's distribution management activities, and significance of the selected topics
  • Organisation, clarity of argument and justification
  • Delivery, engagement and time management
  • Supporting Material
  • Teamwork

Expert's Answer


Slide 2:

Good morning all of you! I am ‘Student Name’ and today I am delivering presentation on the supply chain and logistics of Toyota which is well-known car company in the world.

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