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BMO2201 Assessment 3 Group Report Distribution Management

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
Your group assessment is to conduct a group case study examination based on either a company you have researched on the internet, or one you are familiar with. Your report, delivered in a professional report format, should be based on a combination of facts you have/can learn about the organisation and your own opinions. The report should establish links between the key points you have learned in the classroom, from academic literature, and from the site visit. 

Purpose: Identify and discuss one or two important elements necessary for effective and efficient distribution management as demonstrated from your research.

2500 words 30% End of Week 3 (Session 9)

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Appraise the major role of distribution in managing supply chains;
  2.  Apply specialised knowledge of distribution management to review channels of distribution, their main participants and their relative importance;
  3.  Conceptualise how the distribution function provides the key link between manufacturers and suppliers on the inbound side and retail and customers on the outbound side;
  4. Review the functions of a distribution centre and the design features which cater for specific types of products;
  5. Argue the importance of the customer service function to the logistics efforts of the firm; and
  6. Work collaboratively with other team members to prepare a group project report and delivering a professional presentation based on a selected case study.


    1. Assignment teams will be organised in Workshop 1 Week 1. Exchange contact details once your team has been formed and it is your team responsibility to maintain regular contact.
    2. You are required to work closely with your team members on these major parts of the assignment.
    3. One assignment is required to be submitted on behalf of your team. Each team member is expected to contribute equally to the assignments as the same mark will be given to each team member.
    4. Identify and discuss one or two important elements necessary for effective and efficient distribution management as demonstrated from your research. Example topics could be; Pick-rate; DIFOT; Aisle and pallet racking layout; MHE selection criteria; justification of automation in distribution centres, etc.
    5. Assessment structure is shown below to guide your report. Marking Criteria is also available to inform you on how you will be marked so that you can maximise your assignment mark.

Assessment Structure and Requirements

The structure of the Distribution Management Group Industry Report should consist of:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Background on Industry/Organisation
    • Products and services, customer, suppliers, a couple of major issues in logistics distribution and methodology (data source i.e. website and interviews etc.).
  5. Elements necessary for effective and efficient distribution management
    • Examples include Pick-rate; DIFOT; Aisle and pallet racking layout; MHE selection criteria; justification of automation in distribution centres
    • The report should establish links between the key points you have learned in the classroom, from academic literature, and from the site visit
  6. Conclusion
  7. References
    • 4 academic references from peer reviewed journals and at least 2 references from Supply Chain Management text books
  8. Appendices

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Assessment Criteria:

  • Description and explanation of major issues that need to be considered and its importance
  • Depth of Content
  • Structure and presentation of report
  • Referencing

Click here to access the marking criteriaSubmission details:

Each Group should allocate a group member to submit an electronic copy, on to VU Collaborate (via Turnitin), complete with Assessment Declaration sheet, by the seminar in week 3. The submission should include the title of the assessment, the group members’ names, and student numbers. 

The report is limited to 2500 words (excluding references), a word count should be provided at the end, and it should follow an acceptable academic structure for industry reports (e.g. Executive Summary, Content Index, Introduction, Background, Discussion, Conclusions, References, etc.)

Academic references should be included, to link your findings about company practise to established theory, and all referencing should be in the Harvard style – this applies to the citations in the main body of the text as well as the reference section at the end of your report.

Please utilise an appendices when referring to tables, figures or auxiliary information that is in support the assessment.

Expert's Answer

This report is a systematic, logical approach for evaluating Toyota's distribution management. Toyota is a renowned corporation internationally for making cars with innovation, creativity and superior designs. Every car it produces involves the assembling of thousands of parts from manufacturers all around the world. Since the foundation of the company, it has been operating in close cooperation with its suppliers. It has also set up strong and good relations with its suppliers.

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