Boutique Build Australia Human Resource Action Plan - Assignment Help

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Clear strategies 

Dependent upon the scenario, there are two key strategies that need to be undertaken, the first one being a reasonable amount of inductions of female workers and the second one being a mechanism by which contract workers and technicians are incorporated as permanent workers. As a fast growing company, and one whose vision is focused on excellence and deliverance of high quality products. Boutique Build Australia needs an action plan to tackle both upcoming changes, which may become either a challenge or an opportunity dependent upon the approach.

Past Actions

The company already holds 7 years of corporate and operational experience, meaning their techniques are effective and contractual workers are loyal, even if they are not available all the time to work. The company’s decision to induct more female workers and permanent technical workers is for the sole purpose of equipping their team and making it stronger than before. The fact of the matter is that the company will now be dealing with complications such as the minimum wage, occupational training, maternity leaves, higher salaries for the former contractual workers, greater technological presence and greater social responsibility; all factors which correspond with the PESTEL analysis. 

Actions for the next 12 months

The action plan for the next 12 months will be this based on the new developments which the company needs to undertake by amalgamating the economic, technological and legal matters with the social, political and environmental ones. Essentially, the former are focused on the firm’s own competencies whilst the latter are restrictive measures imposed by the extrinsic environment. These actions have been depicted with the utilization of the timeline below:

A timeline

Technological marketing           Higher wages and fringe                        Social responsibility

                                                       benefits (also occupational                    + costs taken into

                                                       Training                                                      account

            Strong legal and operational                 A friendly environment                

          mechanisms introduced                            by company

Roles and responsibilities 

It is the company’s duty to capitalize on these newly acquired assets. Firstly, as Berry (2005) mentions women have a subjective understanding of interior design, and this irrespective of the patriarchal or neutral environment needs to be utilized both covertly and explicitly. Secondly, Elson and Pearson’s (1981) analysis helps this cause by stating women’s “nimble” fingers being able to offer the expertise that men cannot, and hence this elegance needs be preserved through and through by the offering of fringe benefits, effective salary packages and a welcoming environment for their kind. 

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