BSBCRT611 Apply Critical Thinking for Complex Problem Solving - Case Study Assignment Help

Activity 1A
To provide you with an opportunity to identify complex issue for resolution within scope of job role and in consultation with relevant stakeholders
Refer to the case scenario and complete the following questions:
1. Identify relevant stake holder. List at least 2 internal and 2 external stakeholder.

2. Identify and discuss the issue in the case scenario.

3. Explain how you can resolve the issue in discussion with relevant stakeholders.

Activity 1B
To provide you with an opportunity to document task objectives and risks involved in pursuing identified issue
Refer to the case scenario and complete the following questions:
1. As per the issue identified in Activity 1A, prepare document which will record tasks objective and the risks of pursuing the issues you have identified.

Activity 1C
To provide you with an opportunity to research legislative frameworks and organisational policy or procedures applicable to identified issue
Refer to the case scenario and complete the following questions:
1. Research and identify at least 2 legislative frameworks and 2 organisational policy or procedures and discuss how they are applicable to identified issue.

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Activity 1D
To provide you with an opportunity to calculate required resources and present to relevant stakeholders
Refer to the case scenario and complete the following questions:
1. Calculate and identify the resources required to initiate the activities you have discussed in 1B.
2. Discuss how you will communicate your requirement for resources with the relevant stakeholder to obtain the resources.
3. Present your idea to the relevant stakeholder (classmate(s)). Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to present your idea to relevant stakeholders regarding required resources.. Assuming your classmates are the relevant stakeholder, you will present the presentation in class which will be observed by your assessor. Instruction for the presentation given below:

Instruction for preparing presentation: -

- Maximum no. of slides is 10.
- Maximum 5 minutes per student to present.
- Font size 32 – 36 for Heading and 22 – 24 for Body.
- Uses formal vocabulary which appropriate to context to discuss and confirm recommendations.
- Interprets, analyses, and presents numeric and financial information with the aid of graph, chart, and other infographic visual aids.

Activity 2A
To provide you with an opportunity to facilitate ideation session with relevant stakeholders
Refer to the case scenario and complete the following questions:
1. Develop a plan of brainstorming session. Describe how you will conduct and facilitate a brainstorming session with relevant stakeholder to determine actions/activities to resolve the identified issue.
2. Refer to your presentation task and facilitate a discussion session after your presentation to generate idea for efficient resource utilization. A guidance on how to facilitate a session is provided below:
To conduct and facilitate a brainstorming session with relevant stakeholder to determine actions/activities to resolve the identified issue below are some points that can be considered and further can be explained:
• First you need a facilitator
• Second, you should include anyone who you anticipate will work directly on the project
• Finally, think about who can bring in some outside perspective on the issue
• location might be the most sunlit of your conference rooms
• Preparation and format
• activities to help you discover potential ideas
• convergence is the part where you establish some sort of consensus about which ideas deserve further consideration
3. Form a group of 2 – 4 as instruct by the trainer. You are required to brainstorm about actions or activities that can solve the issues. The group members are required to take turn in leading the session.

Activity 2B
To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate formulated solutions for advantages and limitations using critical thinking techniques

1. What do you understand by critical thinking skills?

2. Give least 2 workplace advantages and 2 disadvantages of critical thinking. Please provide examples to justify the advantages and disadvantages.

3. List 2 actions/activities that you will use to solve the identified issue from the case scenario.
List advantages and disadvantages of each activity by using critical thinking technique.

Activity 2C
To provide you with an opportunity to apply decision-making processes to select most viable solution

1. What steps will you follow for your decision-making process to select most feasible solution. (The learner must give example(s) that link to the case scenario).

Activity 2D
To provide you with an opportunity to prepare a brief on proposed solution according to organisational policy and present to key stakeholders
Refer to the case scenario (Joyfood) and your answer to Activity 1A question 3 where you have identified issues in the case scenario and discussed how you can resolve the issues. Based on your response to activity 1A question 3 complete the following questions:
1. Prepare a brief on your proposed solution and follow relevant organisation policies from the case scenario. You will follow the following structure:

2. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and present the proposed solution to key stakeholders.
Instruction for preparing presentation: -

- Maximum no. of slides is 10.
- Maximum 5 minutes per student to present.
- Font size 32 – 36 for Heading and 22 – 24 for Body.
- Uses formal vocabulary which appropriate to context to discuss and confirm recommendations.
- Interprets, analyses, and presents numeric and financial information with the aid of graph, chart, and other infographic visual aids.

Activity 3A
To provide you with an opportunity to develop a feedback register to systematically record feedback according to organisational requirements
Refer to your response of Activity 2D:
1. Explain how you will obtain feedback from stakeholders.

2. Discuss your method of systematically recording the feedback that you will obtain from your stakeholders.

3.Develop a feedback form that you will use to take stakeholder feedback on your proposed solution. (You may use to build your feedback form). Also discuss where and how you will store clients feedback.

Activity 3B
To provide you with an opportunity to refine proposal based on analysis of feedback

Base on the feedback collected from audience, answering a question below:
1.Make changes/amendments to the proposed solutions after obtaining feedback from key stakeholder and provided the updated solution brief.

Activity 3C
To provide you with an opportunity to seek necessary approvals to implement solution

1. Describe your process of seeking approval form relevant personnel.

2. Draft an email for your manager with the brief of amended proposal and seek approval.

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