BSBINS501 Implement Information and knowledge Management Systems - Case Study Assignment Help

Task summary

This assessment is to be completed using the Bounce Fitness simulated work environment. This assessment task requires the student to review job descriptions, personal development policies and procedures and the annual strategic human resources plan.


·         Access to textbooks/other learning materials

·         Access to Bounce Fitness documents via Canvas

·         Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access


·         Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment via Canvas.


·         This completed workbook.

·         Any applicable proof of professional development for question 8

Assessment criteria

For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Re-submission opportunities

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.  

Task 2 – Case Study

You are a trainer who has been hired by Hans Jane, the assistant manager at the Bounce Fitness Brisbane location, to train all new employees in using the Bounce IT Information system.

Hans has recently hired two new Personal Trainers, Peter Perry and Monica Lange. The Bounce Fitness policy requires all new employees to be trained in the Bounce Fitness information management system, the Bounce IT.

Bounce IT is both a knowledge and information management system. The system contains processes for staff, which all staff must follow and add to where required, as well as member information.

For you to organise the training for the employees, you need to consult with the following stakeholders and personnel, and conduct a training needs analysis to determine the learner needs and outcomes:

  • Ellie Tolley, the centre manager
  • Hans Jane, the assistant manager (supervisor)
  • Peter Perry, new employee
  • Monica Lange, new employee

Since the system has undergone a new update, you also need to introduce to Ellie and Hans these changes in the system.

Ellie would like to learn how to use the reporting section of Bounce IT to analyse member activity. She thinks that the best way to do this is through a training session on Bounce IT and on-the-job coaching and mentoring. She also needs to learn how to add and amend processes for staff.

Hans would like to learn how to log in and access client details in Bounce IT. He believes that the best way to do this is for everyone to attend an information session and workshop on Bounce IT.

Peter has never used an information or knowledge management system before so would like to learn how to use Bounce IT information system to effectively do his job. He thinks that a training session on Bounce IT, on-the-job coaching/mentoring will assist him to achieve this goal.

Monica has used similar systems before but believes that she will still require a training session and on-the-job coaching/mentoring to learn how to log in, access client details and create member activity reports.

You must complete a training needs analysis and organise training for them in using Bounce IT.

Part A – Organise learning to use Information and knowledge management system

Question 1:

You must conduct the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) consultation based on the Case study  using the template below. You are the ‘Trainer’ who is hired to train Peter Perry and Monica Lange, the new employees at Bounce Fitness.

Question 2:

You must get approval and secure the resources you will need to conduct the learning activities with Peter and Monica as your Learners. Learning activities can include:

  • On-the-job coaching or mentoring
  • Training program
  • Information session
  • Workshops
  • E-learning platforms.

 To do this, complete the Resource Request Form

Question 3

Develop the Training Plan and Session Plan that you will use to train Peter and Monica as your learners. Your Training Plans must be written in clear and detailed language to easily convey information and requirements.

Question 4

You are required to conduct the training sessions through role play. Give the volunteer playing the role of Peter Appendix A (Training Session Feedback Form - Peter) and the volunteer playing the role of Monica Appendix B (Training Session Feedback Form - Monica) to complete after each of the Training Plans have been delivered.

Once you have delivered both training sessions, submit on Canvas:

  • The completed Training Session Feedback Forms (Appendix A and Appendix B)  
  • PowerPoint presentation used during the training
  • Bounce IT

Login in details to Bounce IT:

Peter: Username: Employee_1

Monica: Username: Employee_2

For the password, you are free to create any password you would like for each username.

NB: You do not need to record this training session. You may use a family member, friend, housemate, classmate, colleague, or anyone else to help you to complete the training session. You may perform it online, or in person.

Question 5

Based on the responses from the Training Session Feedback Forms completed by your volunteers in Question 4, you must write a short report about the effectiveness of the learning activities. In your report ensure to: 

  • Specify if outcomes were achieved and explain why or why not
  • Scores on how satisfied the learners were with the training
  • Any comments the learners made on the ‘trainers’ performance throughout the learning activities
  • Recommendations to improve the outcomes of the learning activities

Part B – Manage use of information and knowledge management system

Question 6

You are to play the role of the Trainer managing the use of the information system Bounce IT. You (acting as the Trainer) must complete the Information System User Observation Checklist Appendix C based on Peter’s performance & Appendix D based on Monica’s performance.

You must give a copy of the Bounce Fitness Information Management System Policy and Procedures (available on Canvas under additional resources) to the volunteers playing the role of Peter and Monica to read and be familiar with in order to use the system effectively and achieve the intended outcome.

Please Note: You do not need to record and upload this role play.

Provide the volunteer playing the role of Peter with the following Instructions:

  • Task 1: Login to Bounce IT ( Your username is: Employee_1 and you can make up your own password.
  • Task 2: Access a client file, only access Jackie Dempsey for this task
  • Task 3: Create a new membership for Jackie using these details:
    • Jackie Dempsey
    • 52 Spring Street, Elanora, 4512

o     0425123123

Provide the volunteer playing the role of Monica with the following Instructions:

  • Task 1: Login to Bounce IT ( Your username is: Employee_2 and you can make up your own password.
  • Task 2: Access a client First select Kathy Mossman. You will encounter an error when you do this. Seek assistance to rectify this issue.
  • Task 3: Create a new membership for Oscar using these details:
    • Oscar Fisher
    • 96 Carol Avenue, Palm Beach, 4632,
    • 0432456456

Consider the following situations during the role play:

  1. Peter will not have an issue when completing his three (3) tasks.
  2. Monica will have an issue. Assist her to address the issue and make sure this is documented on the Information System User Observation Checklist. In her issue, you will need to instruct her to re-attempt the task, but this time chooses ‘Oscar Fisher’.

Question 7

You (as the Trainer) have noticed the following (2) issues/problems and would like a solution for each:

  • The system is running extremely
  • The system occasionally jumps back to the login screen when trying to access a client file

You must complete the Technical Support Form for each of the issue during the consultation:

Part C – Review use of information and knowledge management system

To complete this task, you will need access the documents below available on Canvas under additional resources:

  • Information/Knowledge Management System Policy and Procedure
  • Bounce fitness business and operational plan

Question 8

You are required to ask the two (2) volunteers who participated in the role play in Question 4 to complete the survey (Appendix E & Appendix F) based on their experiences in using Bounce IT.

Question 9

Access Bounce Fitness business plan and operational plan to identify the intended outcomes of the information or knowledge management system then complete a comparison table using the information that you have gathered from both sources to identify how effective the system is in contributing to the intended outcomes.

Question 10

Review the information and analysis within your Comparison table completed in Question 9. Write a report summarising your analysis and offer recommendations for improvements to the Information or Knowledge Management System. Your report must cover the following:

  • An overview of the information system
  • Details on how you collected information
  • Who you collected information from?
  • What information you collected and analysed

Based on your results from your analysis, provide one (1) recommendation for improvements to each of the following areas:

  • Information system
  • Policy
  • Work practices

(approx. 100 words)

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