BSBINS603 Assessment Task 2: Project
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:
- your learning resources and other information for reference
- Project Portfolio template
- Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).
Ensure that you:
- review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student User Guide
- comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
- adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
- answer all questions completely and correctly
- submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
- submit a completed cover sheet with your work
- avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Assessment information | |
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
· where this task should be completed · how your assessment should be submitted. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. |
Complete the following activities:
- Carefully read the following:
This project requires you to plan, conduct and report on one applied research topic that is relevant to an organisation’s strategic practices and outcomes. The research must involve complex ideas and concepts. As part of the assessment you, you will:
· choose a topic to research. · plan and develop an applied research strategy. · collect and analyse data. · document and present your research findings. |
Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this research project on your own business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation! | |
If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you must choose a research topic that is relevant to your organisation’s strategic practices and outcomes and that involves complex ideas and concepts. It is important that you are able to access enough information to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum this should include workplace documentation related to applied research and the organisation’s strategic outcomes (e.g. applied research policy).
If you are using the case study, all relevant information is contained in the Simulation pack. You are to choose one of the topics in the research statement and use it as a basis for an applied research project for King Edward VII College. To ensure that you are able to draw on a range of data sources for your research, your fellow students and/or the staff at your RTO can be questioned, and their responses included as part of your research report. An RTO has been chosen as the case study organisation because: · it is an area in which you have experience, being a student. · you have access to students attending an RTO and staff who work in one (for role-play data collection). · there is a lot of information available on the VET sector, international students, learning theory, institutional management, etc. |
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. |
- Preparation
Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in the Simulation Pack.
Once you have reviewed the documents, choose a research topic/task. If you are using the case study, select one of the topics in the Research Statement in the Simulation Pack. If it’s your own business or a business where you are working or are familiar with, have your business and research topic approved by your assessor. Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit. Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio. |
- Plan and develop an applied research strategy
Start working on Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:
· list at least three objectives/goals of the organisation. · describe your role in the organisation. · explain how your research task is relevant to the strategic practices and outcomes of the organisation and how it will help your organisation to achieve improved organisational outcomes. · describe your research task, including purpose, hypothesis, target group’s profile and needs, context and data requirements. |
Meet with at least one relevant stakeholder to clarify and confirm the purpose and requirements of your chosen research task (e.g. what will be researched, why are you doing the research task, how will it help the organisation, when will the research be done, how you will document and present research etc.). Also make sure you understand the stakeholder’s requirements for how your research is documented and presented. | ||
This meeting should take 20 minutes.
As part of the meeting apply listening and questioning techniques to check or clarify understanding. Make sure you use vocabulary that is: · specialised (i.e. use terms that are associated with the specific task and with applied research). · appropriate to the context and audience (e.g. professional and formal if you are meeting with a superior or client). You will be assessed on this. This meeting may take place with actual people who work for/are associated with your chosen business. Alternatively, classmates or your assessor may play the role of one or more team members. This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor, you will attach proof of the meeting to Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. |
Continue completing Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to
· summarise legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to your applied research. · summarise your organisation’s policies and procedures applicable to your applied research. · summarise the tools and resources that may be used to assist with your applied research task. · research and evaluate theories/methods/techniques/tools to collect, analyse data and maintain data integrity for your research task. · identify technology and technology services that may be used to support your data collection and analysis. · prepare a research strategy, considering the available tools and resources. · analyse the limitations of your research, including the factors which may affect the reliability and validity of your data. · prepare a research proposal or plan |
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section. You will use the work done in this section of the Portfolio to collect and analyse data for your research task. |
- Collect and analyse data.
Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:
· use technology and technology services to collect data for your research task. · access any other sources of information or relevant contributors to your planned research. · analyse your data to identify trends, changes or patterns. · summarise your research findings. · confirm the integrity of your collected data and analysis. |
- Document and present your research findings.
Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to document and present your research findings in a manner consistent with the stakeholder requirements. |
- Submit your completed Project Portfolio
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated. |
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