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BSBITU313 AA1 Design and produce digital text documents

Assessor Instructions
Instructions Overview of Assessment Activity

•         The purpose of this Assessment Activity is to assess your skills and knowledge to digitally and develop text-based documents using advanced features of word processing applications/platforms.

•         The following topics will be covered in the assessment:

•         Prepare to produce documents

•         Design documents digitally

•         Produce text documents digitally

•         You will be assessed individually.

•         The assessment for the Unit of Competency will include:

•         case study

•         Assessment Activities will include one or more of the following:

•         short answer questions, meeting with staff, word processing, document design

•         You need to read all Assessment Activity instructions carefully before starting each Assessment Activity, and you should contact your lecturer if they need more information.

•         See the Business Home Page for Rights and Responsibilities, key dates and other relevant information:

•         To be found competent in this unit, you need to satisfactorily complete all Assessment Activities for this unit. When each part of this assessment activity is to be completed can be found in the Task List.

Results and Reassessment

•         Students have the right to one re-submission per assessment activity (unless negotiated with the lecturer).

•         The assessment outcome and feedback must be provided within 7 to 10 days of the lecturer receiving the work unless notified otherwise.

•         It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check for assessment feedback, and to action any additional re-assessment requirements requested by the lecturer in a timely manner.

•         All Assessment Activities must be successfully completed by the due date issued by the lecturer.

•         To be deemed successful in this unit the student must receive a satisfactory result in all Assessment Activities for the unit.

•         For more information, refer to the TAFE SA Assessment and Academic Grievances Policy

Is there any Reasonable Adjustment Consideration required?

Students with a disability, medical condition or other personal circumstances impacting on their study may be eligible for reasonable adjustments or special consideration in assessment. For more details, the student can contact Student Services, the Principal Lecturer or Educational Manager.

To receive a satisfactory outcome for this Assessment Activity, you must successfully complete all of the tasks/questions/activities. All responses must be entered into the Assessment Activity document unless otherwise stated or instructed by the lecturer.

Task description

See Task Description Outline below.

•         BSBITU313 AA1 Part 1 Q1 – Q7

•         BSBITU313 AA1 Part 2 Q1 – Q15

•         BSBITU313 AA1 Part 3 Tasks 1 - 2

•         BSBITU313 AA1 Part 4 Tasks 3 -5

Marking scale:

Satisfactory correctly completed all requirements for this assessment activity
Not yet satisfactory further work required for this assessment activity
Outstanding work for this assessment activity still needs to be submitted
For Learn Users Only

•         LEARN students will be provided the feedback and outcome of this Assessment Activity via LEARN

•         Notification in LEARN will indicate that the candidate have been advised of the outcome of this Assessment Activity

For Non - Learn Users Only

•         Students not submitting their work to LEARN will be instructed by their lecturer about how to submit their work.

•         Students will receive feedback and the outcome of this Assessment Activity on the Assessment Outcome section below.

•         Students will sign Assessment Outcome at the end of this document and return this document to the lecturer who will retain it for TAFE SA purposes.

Time allowed Allow approx. 2 weeks to complete each part of this Assessment Activity.  The lecturer will advise the student of the due date of this assessment.
Location Simulated workplace - online or flexible classroom
Decision making rules To achieve a satisfactory outcome for this Assessment Activity, the student must successfully complete all of the tasks/questions/activities


•         Read all the instructions below carefully before starting the AA, and contact the lecturer if you need more information.

•         Refer to the Business Home Page for Student’s Rights and Responsibilities and other relevant information:

•         To successfully pass this unit, you need to satisfactorily complete all AAs for this unit.

•         When you submit work for this AA, you are agreeing that:

•         you have read and understood the requirements of this AA, and

•         that all assessment evidence submitted is your own original work.

•         The Assessment Activity is unsupervised and open book.

•         This Assessment Activity must be conducted in a safe environment.

•         All written Assessment Activities must be keyed according to the Standards outlined in the Organisational Style and Procedures Guide (see Business Services Homepage for this resource).

•         All responses are to be submitted to Learn unless otherwise instructed by the lecturer.

Resources required You will require access to the following resources:

•         legislation, regulations, standards and codes relevant to the simulated workplace

•         workplace documentation and resources relevant to the simulated workplace

•         Organisational Style Guide and Procedures Manual (available in the Business Services Home Page)

•         personnel (see below)

•         audio recording equipment (if applicable)

•         Personnel
BSBITU313 AA1 Part 3 Task 1, two people plus candidate

This assessment will involve doing an audio recording, unless otherwise indicated by the lecturer.

The audio recording can be done via:

•         a ‘voice recorder’ app on a mobile phone/tablet

•         an ‘MP3 recorder’ or recording device

•         ‘Sound recorder’ or similar software on a computer/laptop

•         Contact their lecturer if you have any questions regarding this assessment.

BSBITU313 Design and produce digital text documents

Unit requirements

To complete the tasks for BSBITU313 Design and produce digital text documents you must

  • Follow the requirements of the Organisation Style and Procedures Guide located on the Business Services home page, Resources Button
  • Complete the assessment tasks within designated timelines

You have recently been employed as an Administration Assistant for the Sales and Purchasing Manager, of Flexi Resolutions .  In this role, you are required to design and produce a range of digital text documents using word processing software.


Unit Code/s BSBITU313
Unit Title/s Design and produce digital text documents
Assessment Task Title BSBITU313 AA1 Design and produce digital text documents
Location Workplace or nominated workplace
Context/Task notes if applicable Submit the following evidence – ensure files are:

•         correctly named

•         include your name and TAFE SA ID

•         BSBITU313 AA1 Part 1 – Q1-Q7

student feedback


Expert's Answer

A sales report can be set up in various forms: a daly sales report format will track sales metrics that are relevant on a daily basis: the number of phone calls or meetings set up by a representative, number of leads created.  Typically, weekly sales reports templates can monitor the number of deals closed by the team or the revenue generated. A monthly sales report format will provide a bigger picture of the activity of each sales representative or the team as a whole on various tasks.

There are also different types of sales reports that will focus on different aspects:

  • the sales performance in general, detailing the revenue generated
  • the sales volume evolution, measuring it against the sales target
  • the customer lifetime value

There are also reports focussing on the sales representative themselves and their sales cycle performance, from lead generation to closing a deal.

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