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Question & Answers

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Student Assessment

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Assessment is all about collecting evidence and making decisions as to whether or not a student has achieved competency. Students are required to answer all the questions. Evidence is information gathered that provides proof of competency. While evidence must be sufficient, trainers and assessors must focus on the quality of evidence rather than the quantity of evidence.

  1. How do you ensure strategies and processes are in place to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers?
  2. Describe what is required to develop and implement consultation processes ensuring that employees have the opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role.
  3. What feedback would you provide to workers regarding the outcome of a consultation process?
  4. What do you need to consider when developing and implementing processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to relevant personnel?
  5. We need to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to. Explain how you would establish and implement appropriate policies.
  6. How do you gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts through professional conduct? Please also explain what not to do such as behaviours that destroy trust.
  7. How do you adjust your own interpersonal communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment and guide and support the work team in their personal adjustment process?
  8. How do you use networks to build workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation?
  9. How do you conduct ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are developed and maintained?
  10. When you develop and implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are identified and resolved, what do you need to consider?
  11. Establish processes and systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures?
  1. How do you provide guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties?
  2. An action plan will address any identified difficulties if developed and implemented. What needs to be in your action plan and please include as part of your response, some high level tasks, who is responsible, and the completion date.

Assessment Outcome Written Questions

Assessed by ______________________________________________   

Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Project 1 – Project

Explain how your organisational systems, policies or procedures can support the development of effective work relationships focusing on communications, consultation, feedback, cultural and social sensitivity, and issue & conflict resolution.  Ensure you include in your discussion the following points:

  1. communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
  2. facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
  3. providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
  4. resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
  5. establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to

Assessor needs to use the below consultation checklist to assess the project.

Items Yes/ No Comments
Develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:    
1.  communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities    
2.  facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues    
3.  providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations    
4. resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel    
5. establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to    

Assessed by ______________________________________________ 

 Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Project 2 – Report

Every organisation has its own particular cultural and ethical environment. This often gives rise to the unwritten norms regarding the organisation's style of operation and the ways management and staff make decisions, approach their work functions, interact with each other and behave within the workplace. 

Effective frontline managers needing to use networks to build workplace relationships, providing identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation.  Networking means developing and managing connections for mutual benefit. It is the process of making and using a number of contacts whether for business, professional development, personal or social purposes.

To maintain effective workplace relationships, managers must conduct ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are developed and maintained.

Effective leadership can be demonstrated through their own behaviour including:               

  • professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
  • adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
  • plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation

Write a 200 word essay (minimum) on how you believe an effective leader demonstrates these behaviours based on the 3 dot points above

Assessor needs to use the below checklist to assess the report.

Items Yes/ No Comments
Provide leadership through own behaviour including:    
Professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts    
Adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment    
Plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation    

Assessed by ______________________________________________ 

Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Project 3 – Project - Situational Analysis

Managers must develop and implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are promptly identified and constructively resolved.  While people know problem-solving skills, they are critical to their daily work, many people do not know how to resolve work difficulties effectively and avoid dealing with them.

Conflict should be dealt with sensitively and quickly. However, you should suppress any tendency to use your authority to make a unilateral decisions too quickly or to interfere in a situation that should be resolved between the individuals. Follow the problem-solving steps outlined in your Learner Guide to investigate the issue, determine whether or not you should take action and define your options for rectifying the situation.

Problems may arise when team members act individually and without regard for one another. The team leader will need to act quickly and carefully to remedy the situation through counselling, discussion and coaching.

You have a team of 5 people, of which 2 have a personality clash.  You thought it would ‘blow over’ however it is now interfering with the rest of the team’s productivity.  Outline how you will approach the matter considering the following 3 dot points.

Effective conflict resolution and addressing difficulties can be managed by:                          

  • identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures
  • planning how to address difficulties
  • providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties

Assessor needs to use the below checklist to assess the project.

Items Yes/ No Comments
Develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:    
Identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures    
Planning how to address difficulties    
Providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.    

Assessed by ______________________________________________ 

Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Business, Accounting and Finance

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Assessment Outcome Record

In order to be deemed competent in this unit, the candidate must answer all written questions correctly and satisfactorily complete all practical tasks.  In order to complete all practical tasks, all Observation Criteria need to be satisfied, i.e. demonstrated and marked as an 'S'.  The task summary outcome must be noted as satisfactory to note the demonstration of a satisfactory outcome for each practical task requirement.

Expert's Answer

  1. How do you ensure strategies and processes are in place to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers?
  • Regular meetings with co-workers to discuss their performance on the path of organizations goal achievement.
  • Analysis of employee performance graphs to see if they are on the right track to ensure strategies and processes floated within the organization.
  • Appreciating employees from time to time as intrinsic motivation will help them fulfil their responsibilities and they will put more effort to follow organizational strategies and processes (Barkhi and Hartwick,2004).

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