BSBMGT403 Implement Continuous Improvement
In this document, you will find the foundation of what is required to become competent in this unit. For further information on each element, you can refer to the Assessment Matrix. Included in this document are the elements for the unit, foundation skills, assessment requirements as well as an assessment tool definition list and the crucial observation and third party check lists. As well as all of the areas covered here, each student must also complete all workbook activities, case studies and major activities, where stated, to become competent within this unit.
NOTE – Re-assessment:
Students will have a maximum of two (2) reassessments attempts if competency is not achieved in the first instance.
The final grade of ‘C’ for Competent or ‘NC’ for Not Competent is only given at the completion of the unit of competency when all components or parts of the assessment are graded as ‘S’ for Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory results are marked as NS.
Elements for Competency Demonstration
Elements for Competency Assessment:
- Implement continuous improvement systems and processes
- Monitor and review performance
- Provide opportunities for further improvement
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
- Implement continuous improvement systems and provide mentoring and coaching support to enable individuals and teams to participate in decisions, take responsibility, show initiative and implement improvement processes
- Implement processes to inform team members about savings and productivity/service improvements achievements
- Communicate effectively to support the continuous improvement system and implementation of improvements
- Apply continuous improvement to customer services including internal and external customers
- Implement, monitor and adjust improvement plans, processes and procedures to improve performance
- Document performance to identify further opportunities for improvement
- Manage records and reports within the organisation’s systems and procedures.
Foundation Skills:
- Evaluates and integrates facts and ideas to construct meaning from a range of text types in an effort to implement continuous improvement systems and processes
- Selects vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions appropriate to text
- Researches, plans and prepares continuous improvement documentation for relevant stakeholders
Oral Communication
- Participates in a variety of spoken exchanges with a range of audiences using structure and language to suit the audience
Navigate the world of work
- Monitors adherence to organisational policies and procedures and considers own role in terms of its contribution to broader goals of the work environment
Interact the work of others
- Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with diverse individuals to seek or share information
- Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group communication, influencing direction and taking a leadership role on occasion
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
- Give examples of continuous improvement processes
- List typical areas of need for coaching and mentoring to support continuous improvement
- Explain how change management techniques can support continuous improvement and initiative
- Identify the organisation’s systems and data that can be used for benchmarking and monitoring performance for continuous improvement.
Assessment Conditions:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
- Relevant workplace documentation and resources
- Case studies and, where possible, real situations
- Interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
Companion volumes available from the IBSA website: -
Any observations and practical assessments must be recorded in the observation checklist. All practical tasks should be demonstrated during the length of the course. As the instructor, you must maintain a record demonstrating the date of the practical activities and any comments relevant to the performance of each student. Where a student is not able to demonstrate competence in a practical observation activity, further questioning should be put in its place.
As the instructor, you could be assessing the student’s literacy, numeracy and language skills, as well as the content and context of his/her answers.
In some cases, you will have to adjust and amend the assessment tools, using different and varied methods (such as oral assessment), to allow students to be assessed according to their needs and abilities.
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