BSBMKG440 Apply Marketing Communication Across a Convergent Industry - Communication Activities - Assignment Help
Assessment instructions:
Communication and practical activities · You must respond to all activities and you must address them to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task. · Your assessor will give you feedback once this assessment task is marked. Purpose of the assessment task: Evidence required to demonstrate the ability to: · Select and use most suitable convergent tools and techniques according to task requirements · Implement convergent tools and techniques for marketing communication · Establish channels to respond to customer perspectives · Establish and maintain expert and business networks related to marketing communication convergence Assessment conditions and resources: Assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated work environment and students will have access to the following: · Links / access to legislation and regulations relevant to marketing across a convergent industry · workplace documentation and resources for marketing across a convergent industry such as marketing plan, marketing strategy and advertising brief, learner guide and internet to conduct research. · Virtual company – Bounce Fitness |
Read the following 50+ words scenario and complete your practical skills and communication activities.
You are fully prepared for your presentation. So far you received all of the RSVPs from all stakeholders. Most of the stakeholder’s work for Bounce Fitness but the meeting also includes representatives from the following groups and interested parties including; telecommunications so infrastructure and network can be selected and customised where possible for Bounce Fitness, IT experts who are able to design apps or website infrastructure, customer representatives, casual or sessional instructors representatives and marketing specialists who may assist Bounce Fitness with marketing and communications and promotional activities or designs. This meeting is the first part of the implementation process and the aim of the meeting is: c Presentation based on your report, why it was developed (overview of the report in brief) c What is the new product/services that must be promoted to customers c Who are our customers (internal and external) c Identifying and research on convergent tools and techniques, explanation of convergent tools and selection of techniques used for marketing and communication suitability to Bounce Fitness and cost effectiveness of the convergent tools c Legislative requirements, needs and what to be watchful of c Which tools are being implemented now and first and why? c Which techniques and technology is to be used and why? c How it meeting the customer-centric requirement in all develop tools, chosen solution and techniques to market their new product/services c What procedures are today being implemented, including any new forms or documents c The meeting will initiate and establish interested parties (channels) to gain customer perspective on the implementation and review of the product/services. This may include calendar for planned reviews c Establish and maintaining of expert networks and business networks related to marketing and communication convergence. This may include: o calendar to maintaining networks and ensure they maintain currency o completed register of network members by obtaining approvals (via email reply to your student email) their willing participation as a network professional member and o 50+ words procedure on how to ensure that the register continues to be always current and who takes on the responsibility on updating it. |
- Communications activity
You have researched, collected relevant information and developed you meeting/presentation tools, now you will be holding your meeting in which you will present all of your prepared documentation. GUIDE: ROLE-PLAY (approx. 15 minutes)
Your assessor will be using a checklist and observe your demonstrated skills which you performed during your meeting.
You will be required to select one of the following options to complete these activities. Your assessor will help you to decide which is the best option for you. (your assessor will guide you on how to best complete the consultation / communication / role-play activity).
Important: All practical and communication activities must be recorded unless your assessor is observing your role-play live.
- Record your comments in the space below. these comments will then be transferred into your Meeting Minutes (Communications report) template below; or
- Insert NA if this space is not needed and you wrote your comments directly into the Meeting Minutes document.
- Ensure that your assessor watches your recorded meeting and provides feedback on your performance.
- Once you have completed your meeting you are to use all the meeting minutes recorded or noted information and
- Complete the Communication meeting report template. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS to 300+ WORDS
Please refer to the Meeting Minutes template and insert the template in this activity or advise when and where it was saved. |
- Email the completed Communication Meeting Minutes to your manager for his comment and any corrections which needed to be amended. Receive a response and copy and paste the response in the space below:
Please insert the response from appointed manager in this space to satisfy this activity. Thanks |
- Once you have received his response and any corrections, you are to email the final Meeting Minutes and any adjusted documents to:
- Bounce Fitness staff
- the established customer representatives’ networks and channels and any other relevant external clients who attended the meeting; and
- The established expert and business network members who have been registered in your network register as per the procedure that has been implemented to maintain the register current at all times.
- Receive minimum of 3 responses with feedback. Use the space below to copy and paste the feedback and confirmation obtained from the network and professional and customers.
Note: at least one response must include one correction or amendment to any of the documentation which was email to the network members or Bounce Fitness staff or managers.
You must use your SBTA student email address to communicate with Martin. GUIDE: 50+ WORDS to 120+ WORDS
Students will be pasting responses and confirmation in this space as evidence. |
- Use the space below to copy and paste any updated documentation from the feedback you received and advise what has been changed. This is to demonstrate that you listened to suggestions and implemented corrections as per their feedback.
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