BSBMKG440 Apply Marketing Communication Across a Convergent Industry - Knowledge Questions - Assignment Help

Assessment task instructions:

Case studies, scenarios, activities and written questions

·         You must respond to all questions and you must answer them to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.

·         Your assessor will give you feedback once this assessment task is marked.

Purpose of the assessment task:

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must understand:

·         characteristics of convergent approaches to marketing communication

·         customers role within convergent marketing

·         impact of convergence on traditional marketing approaches

·         current technologies and distributed services that impact on convergent solutions

·         situations requiring engagement of technology experts

·         type of experts and business networks appropriate to a convergent marketing solution

·         legislation, regulation and organisational policy to the field of marketing communication.

Assessment conditions and resources:

Assessment will be conducted in a safe and simulated work environment with access to:

·         legislation and regulations relevant to marketing across a convergent industry

·         workplace documentation and resources for marketing across a convergent industry.


  • Research and explain what is ‘industry convergence’ and list 3 characteristics of convergent approaches to marketing communication. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS to 300+ WORDS
    • Explain what is industry convergence
    • List 3 characteristics of convergent approaches to marketing communication.
Sources of information details:   Please insert where you conducted your research  e.g. copy and paste the online links, or name the authors of reading material, guides or text books, etc….


3b) - Characteristics of convergent approaches to marketing communication
1 Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 9 (Identify the potential points of integration)
2 Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 9 (Identify the potential points of integration)
3 Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 9 (Identify the potential points of integration)
  • Explain customers role within convergent marketing. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS
Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 11 (Establish the role of the customer within the convergent environment)
  • Explain the impact of convergence on traditional marketing approaches. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS
Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 12 (Confirm and ensure that messages can be unified across an integrated offering)
  • Explain how current technologies and distributed services impact on convergent solutions. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS
  • Provide 2 situations when a business, which is planning to use convergent technologies to promote their products, would engage technology experts. GUIDE: 50+ WORDS to 120+ WORDS
Situation 1 Situation 2
Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 25 (Identify and engage the use of sector and technology specific experts where appropriate) Reference: MCC4-20_1.2_Learner Guide.pdf, page 25 (Identify and engage the use of sector and technology specific experts where appropriate)
  • Research and outline 3 expert, business or marketing industry networks, which would provide you with information on converged marketing solutions for a workplace you work in. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS
Marketing expert business and networks What is their focus Information they are able to provide about converged marketing solutions
Sources of information details:  Please insert your research source  e.g. online links, or guides, etc….


  • Research relevant legislations, regulations to the field of marketing and communication industry and list at least of 4 legislations or regulations in the table below. GUIDE: 120+ WORDS to 300+ WORDS
  • Research the type of policies an organisation should have in place that are relevant to the field of marketing and communication. List minimum of 5 policies using the table below. GUIDE: 50+ WORDS to 120+ WORDS

Possibilities: Sales & Marketing Policy and Procedures, Customer Service Policy and Procedures, Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedures, Social Media Policy and Procedures, Brand Ambassadorship Policy and Procedures, Risk Management Policy and Procedures, Staff Performance Policy and Procedures, Information and Communication Technology Policy and Procedures, Cyber Security Policy and Procedures, Information Management Policy and Procedures.

Organisation policy How are these relevant to the marketing and communications activities


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