BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Task 3

Facilitate personal and professional development

You are required to read the following assessment information, requirements, and instructions before commencing. This task has simulated workplace reference. Ensure you access the simulated workplace resources (planning documents, policies, and procedures etc.), equipment, applicable legislation, regulation, standards and code of conduct during the assessment as specified and facilitated by your assessor.

Assessment Information Description
1 Assessment Method Project work
2 Assessment Type Summative
3 Assessment Description


This assessment task is a project based on a case study to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others.

You are required to undertake the project by applying foundation skills and providing solutions to task activities demonstrating the application of skills and knowledge. You must also provide written solutions to task activities. You must read the following information related to your assessment to prepare and perform to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge related to the unit of competency.

4 Purpose (objective) of the Assessment


To gather evidence of your ability to apply skills and knowledge consistently to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others.
5 Assessment Instructions




1.       Review the skills application section/s of the learner workbook.

2.       Read the task performance requirements and foundation skills application for each task activity.

3.       Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit

4.       Provide solutions to each written and performance activity using skills and knowledge and demonstrating your foundation skills.

Note: Use word-process document for written activities to provide written evidence as specified in the task. you may use MS Word /Mac document for your written evidence.

5.       This task requires you to play roles. As specified and agreed by your assessor, role-play the relevant activities demonstrating relevant skills.

6.       The assessment is due on the date specified by your assessor.

7.       Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

8.       Submit your work with any required evidence attached.

9.       See the specifications below for details of submission requirements.

10.   Continue to read the following assessment requirements:

6 Assessment Date/s and Timing/s


1.       This assessment will be conducted according to training delivery session plan.

2.       Assessor will specify the timings for assessment and evidence submission date/s and timing/s.

3.       Time allowed for the assessment completion is 4 hours within 20 hours of training delivery of the week 4.

7 Specifications

(What structure, format and demonstration)

1.       Provide written solutions to all the project activities using word-processed document. You may use this MS Word /Mac document for your answering. Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each written activity.

2.       For role-play activities, play the role as specified by your assessor demonstrating foundation skills and knowledge application while being observed by your assessor.

3.       Submit the written activities with a cover page that includes your name, student ID, unit name, unit code, date of submission and assessor name. Include header (unit name/code) and footer (page number, student name and student ID number).

8 Assessment Context

(where and in what condition)  

Assessment is conducted in the training room and safe environment where you must perform applying skills and knowledge. You must also provide written solutions to the activities in a word-processed document with evidence that demonstrates consistent skills and knowledge application in various conditions specified in the assessment task. (Assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the real workplace).
9 Required Resources

(What resources, equipment, tools  and materials)

1.       Assessment task with instruction and assessment information

2.       Learner workbook and other training handouts.

3.       Access to simulated workplace and resources.

4.       Computer with Internet access word-process software (MS Word/Mac).

5.       Workspace, table, chair and stationery as required.

6.       Case study and/or real workplace scenario

7.       Access to relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and code of practice

8.       Business equipment and resources.

9.       Specified timing for assessment.

10 Evidence Requirements

(What assessor is looking for)

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must demonstrate consistence performance and provide evidence of your ability to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others.

In the course of above, you must:

●        Provide written solutions to all the case study activities reflecting vocational application,

●        Demonstrate performance and role-play activities consistently applying foundation skills and,

●        Demonstrate consultation and communication effectively with relevant stakeholders (assessor and fellow trainees in role-plays).

Project (Skills and Knowledge Application)

Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix of task 2 and the case study in appendix of this task, undertake the task as a project of managing personal and professional development of two other individuals. The policies and procedure manual of simulated workplace must be used as the policies and procedures of the workplace to undertake the following task.

Your Task

Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others:

Project work

  1. Read the simulated workplace case study in appendix and identify your role and responsibilities and your team members roles and responsibilities. Identify organisational framework for development of work goals (task 2 appendix 1)
  2. Using the identified roles and responsibilities in task 2, develop two job descriptions for your team members Tom and Barry (Not the detail job description, but only the content itemising the roles and responsibilities).
  3. Develop work goals and plan development activities that align with Tom’s responsibilities
  4. Develop work goals and plan development activities that align with Barry’s responsibilities
  5. Identify organisational goals and assess team members work goals and plan development activities for alignment.
  6. Identify and develop a list of personal and professional development activities for Tom and Barry to facilitate for them to achieve.
  7. Develop performance measures to assess personal work performance against competency standards.


  1. Meet with team members (your assessor and other trainee) as agreed and facilitated by your assessor and seek feedback from them on own development needs.

Practical activity

  1. Develop a list of work tasks based on work goals and plans for you and your team members Tom and Barry.
  2. Using the computer and software technology such as MS Outlook or any other as agreed and facilitated by your assessor, demonstrate how to manage and prioritise work tasks.

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