BSBTEC202 Use Digital Technologies To Communicate In a Work Environment - Use Digital Communication - Assignment Help
Task summary and instructions | |
What is this assessment task about? | You are a new account assistant at Burleigh Accountants and you are required to use digital communication methods.
To complete this task, please refer to Appendix 1 – Scenario, and Appendix 2- Policy and procedures at the end of this assessment document. This task comprises of the following assessment methods: o Product-based ☒ o Direct observation of Role-Play ☐ o Case Study ☐ o Other (specify) ☐ It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in: · Identify purpose for communication, intended audience and content of proposed communication · Identify available digital communication applications by accessing relevant sources of information and clarify with relevant personnel, where required · Select most appropriate application for communication according to available resources and relevant organisational policies and procedures · Access application for sending and receiving digital communications according to organisational policies and procedures · Create outgoing digital communication, check for accuracy and ensure that any required attachments are included according to application requirements and organisational policies and procedures · Identify urgent, confidential, personal, suspicious or dangerous digital communication and take appropriate action, clarify with relevant stakeholder, where required · Access and identify most appropriate action in response to incoming digital communications, according to organisational policies and procedures · Follow established security levels and filters for incoming digital communications according to organisational policies and procedures · Assist relevant personnel to create plan for monitoring and maintaining digital communications across multiple applications according to organisational policies and procedures · Store digital communications and attachments according to organisational policies and procedures · Archive or permanently delete digital communications according to organisational policies and procedures · Create methods for communicating electronically with targeted groups of stakeholders as relevant to organisation Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above. You are required to address the following: · Task 2.1 Identify method of digital Communication:
· Task 2.2 Implement method of digital Communication:
· Task 2.3 Manage digital Communication effectively: o Demonstrate capability of planning for monitoring and maintaining digital communications according to organisational policies and procedures o Demonstrate capability of storing digital communications and attachments according to organisational policies and procedures o Create methods for communicating electronically with targeted groups of stakeholders o Create outgoing digital communication and respond to incoming digital communication o Demonstrate understanding of process for archiving or permanently deleting emails |
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? | · submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
· complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner, · use your own words and reference sources appropriately, · meet the word count where required, · use the scenario provided, · use the templates provided where required, · for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria, · if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance. |
Specifications | You must deliver/participate in:
· briefing session with the Business Manager to discuss the purpose, audience and content of the proposed communication You must submit to GOALS · Identification and justification of most appropriate communication method · Summary of briefing session with manager · Screenshots showing creation and setting up of email account · Documented actions in response to incoming emails · Response to email enquiry · Answered questions regarding managing digital communications · Documentation of details regarding bulk digital communication · Screenshots showing three emails written and sent · Documentation of process for archiving or permanently deleting emails |
Resources and equipment | • Computer with Internet access
• Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software • Learning material • Scenario for assessment as provided • Appendices as provided • Relevant policies and procedures as provided • Templates as provided |
Re-submission opportunities | You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment. |
Complete the following activities:
Task 2.1 Identify method of digital Communication
As a new Accounts Assistant, you have been asked to email a copy of the latest payslips to selected employees using a digital communication method.
- The intended audience
- The content and purpose of the communication
- The sensitivity of the information
- The available digital communication application (email or Slack)
- Organisational policies and procedures (see Appendix 2)
What is the best method of communication? Email or Slack?
Please answer below and justify your answer based on your considerations (40-80 words)
Refer to policy and procedures in Appendix 2 and explain how you would use the chosen platform in a briefing session with your manager.
For the briefing session schedule a time with your manager (trainer and assessor) in week 2 of class and:
- Explain the purpose of this communication.
- Address how you would handle the information based on the organisation policy and procedures
- Address how you would communicate the information
Summarise and record the feedback and input received during the briefing session with the Business Manager (trainer and assessor) in the table below.
Please note that the trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the session in the marking sheet. The trainer and assessor will also provide feedback on your participation in the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Task 2.2 Implement digital communication method
- Email Account
Create a new account in Gmail to receive incoming communications from internal and external stakeholders.
Ensure that you know how to follow the security levels and filters of the email account following relevant organisational policies and procedures (Appendix 2).
Additionally, set up labels for:
- Finance Team
- Other Departments
- Priority and Confidential
- Policies and Processes
Take screenshots of the following:
- Filled ‘Create Google Account Page’ before clicking Next
- Label Page with new labels and changes to Categories (show in label list)
- Go to Accounts and Import > Other Account Settings> We keep your account protected, and take a screenshot of the completed security check-up
- Go to Accounts and Import > Other Account Settings> Privacy and personalisation, and take a screenshot of the General preferences for the web
- Go to Accounts and Import > Other Account Settings> Privacy Check-up, and take a screenshot of the completed privacy check-up
- Go to Accounts and Import > Other Account Settings>left inside menu; click Security. Enable 2-steps verification. Take a screenshot of the filled ‘let’s set up your phone’ page and of the last page ‘It worked!’
- The GMAIL inbox page showing the new labels
- Incoming emails
Now you have a new Gmail account, and you will be receiving emails from several sources. Have a look at the sample emails below you have received in your inbox.
Identify the ‘safe email’ and explain what is the most appropriate action in response to incoming digital communications, following your organisational policies and procedures provided in Appendix-2. (40-80 words/sample)
- Create outgoing digital communication
Respond to an email enquiry you have received from an employee, Sarah Black, who would like to receive a copy of her latest pay slip.
Follow the organisational policy and procedures outlined in Appendix-2 and prepare the email using the newly created GMAIL account.
Take a screenshot of the email you prepared, including the recipient and attachment and paste them in the space provided below.
Note: for the attachment, create a blank word document and call it ‘Payslip’. Attach the document to the email.
Note: Copy the Finance Manager, Robert Green ( in the email response.
Task 2.3 Manage digital communications effectively
Review the Information Policy and Procedures provided in Appendix-2 and:
- Determine when it would be appropriate for you to access your private digital communications and your business-based correspondence. (30-50 words)
- Explain how you store digital communications and/or attachments following policies and procedures (Email and Slack workspace). (30-50 words)
- How would you lock your computer when you leave your desk to ensure the safety of data? (Provide a step by step process)
- Collect five email addresses created by other students in your class when completing Task 2.2A.
Consider that four students (employees at Burleigh Accountants are working on a project):
- 1 of them is the Project Manager
- 1 of them is the Financial Controller for the project
- 2 are project team members
The fifth student is the Finance Manager.
The content of the email is:
Dear <Add>,
I am writing about the current situation with the Skipton Airport Project. We have several questions which we hope you could answer.
First of all, could you please provide us with an update on the budget status?
Also, at the end of our last meeting, we requested a copy of the latest project expenses. Unfortunately, we have still not received it. We would appreciate it if you could forward them to us.
I would appreciate it if you could deal with these matters urgently.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
<Add your name and title>
Answer the following:
Who would you send the email to? | |
Who would you CC or BC in the email? Why? |
Send the email using your newly created GMAIL account and take a screenshot of the bulk digital communication that you sent out. Note: use the email addresses collected from the classmates according to the scenario.
Once you have completed and sent the above email, assume that you are one of the recipients and you have addressed all of the issues raised in the email. Write and send an email back to the original sender with any necessary attachments. Paste a screenshot of the email in the space provided below.
Finally, write and send an email from the point of view of the original sender, acknowledging the recipient’s response and thanking them. Paste a screenshot of the email in the space provided below.
- Detail, step by step, the procedures you follow to archive or permanently delete emails per organisational policies and procedures. Copy and paste the procedures below:
Appendix 1 – Scenario
Burleigh Accountants is an accountancy and bookkeeping consultancy service that opened its first office in Burleigh Heads, on the coast south of Brisbane, ten years ago. It has been a very successful business, and now has 8 offices around Australia.
You have recently begun to work for Burleigh Accountants as an Accounts Assistant. As part of new security procedures, all new personnel must show that they are able to follow company procedures for emailing before they are permitted to enter the company’s secure data base.
Your manager has given you a copy of Burleigh Accountants’ Information Policy and Procedures, which you should read thoroughly before beginning the assessment tasks.
Appendix 2 – Information Policy and Procedures
Purpose of policy
The purpose of this document is to help individuals and departments to develop and file company documentation and that is consistent with Burleigh Accountants’ corporate style.
This document explains the style to be applied to company documentation together with information on typography, and advice for writing and producing documents, as well as filing documents.
It is recognised that there will be documentation which is outside these guidelines, but the general format should be followed wherever possible.
Writing Style
Composition should be concise, friendly, and professional in keeping with the mission statement of Burleigh Accountants. Documents should be visually appealing and use unambiguous language.
Standard Operating Environment
Burleigh Accountants standard operating environment (SOE) is Microsoft Windows.
Documentation should be produced using Microsoft Office 2011 or higher. This will ensure portability of files and consistency of operation.
Microsoft Outlook is the email software of choice for Burleigh Accountants, and Internet Explorer or Edge are the internet browsers of choice.
Digital security
Input devices such as thumb drives or other external memory devices should only be used if they come from a trustworthy source.
Before opening the thumb drive folder, ensure that a malware scan is run on it.
Files that are to be modified should first be saved to the computer’s desktop and the thumb drive ejected before beginning work on the files.
All files should be saved to the relevant folder, and not left on the desktop.
Back up of data should be performed at the end of every week. The data should be backed up onto an external memory device, which will be stored in the security cupboard in the Administration office.
Internet security
Suspicious or potentially dangerous emails should be deleted immediately. Their attachments should not be opened.
Personal emails should not be opened at work, or on Burleigh Accountants’ computers. If an email of a personal nature is received on a Burleigh Accountants’ email address, forward it immediately to a private email address, and open it outside working hours. Delete the original email from the inbox once it has been forwarded.
Personal electronic communication of any sort should not be carried out during working hours nor using Burleigh Accountants’ computers.
Returned email should be examined to ensure that the address is correct. If in doubt as to the correct address, contact the source of the address and ask for verification.
Email attachments should only be opened if they come from a trusted source. Attachments are to be stored and sent only as pdf, Word, PowerPoint or Excel files. If trustworthy emails are received in other formats, they should be converted before filing.
Within each staff member’s email account, a mailbox should be created for each email sender, so they can be accessed efficiently.
Before logging off from your inbox, ensure that it is empty. All emails should be placed in their sender’s mailbox.
New staff must be assessed on their email competence by their manager before they are given access to their company email address and access to company files. This assessment is to be carried out on an external email account. A new email account should be opened for this purpose, and then deleted following successful completion of the assessment.
Internet Etiquette
Every email bearing the Burleigh Accountants’ signature, or having a Burleigh Accountants’ email address, or sent from the Burleigh Accountants’ server must adhere to the following points of etiquette:
- Clearly identify the topic of your email in the subject line
- Think about what you want to say before you begin to write
- Be respectful and polite
- Be cordial, honest and professional at all times
- Respect others' points of view
- Be sensitive to cultural differences
- Don't SHOUT (writing in capitals is regarded as shouting)
- Know your facts and cite your sources
- Make your communications constructive
- Encourage constructive criticism and deliberation
- Proofread your message and then proofread it again before you hit the 'send' button
- If you make a mistake, admit it and be quick with your correction
- Keep your entries legal
- Never put anything in an email that you would not be happy to see on the front page of a newspaper.
Email Style Guide
All emails should be written as follows:
Write a clear subject line.
Use greeting and closing as you would in a letter. For clients, use their first name or Mr or Mrs if preferred. End the email with Yours Sincerely.
For staff, use first names and use Kind Regards in closing.
Where the email is to several staff, use “Dear colleagues”, and where the email is to all staff, use “Dear All”.
Make the email easy to read. Use short paragraphs and insert blank lines between each paragraph.
Keep the email brief.
Proof read the email. Run the spell check and check the document yourself too, for spelling and grammar.
Company logo
As a registered trademark and symbolic of John’s Gym, neither the company name nor logo may be varied in any aspect (for example: ratio, typeface or colour).
Page Layout
Only A4 paper is to be used for Burleigh Accountants documents.
The page margins must be as follows:
- All margins (left, right, top and bottom) 2.54cm
- Header or footer 1.27cm from margin line.
Headers and footers
Headers are used for all documents of more than one page. They contain the title of the document and the title of the current section (if applicable).
Footers are used for all documents (except for letters and emails) and must contain the file name, the version of the document, the date and the page number.
The standard font for all Burleigh Accountants documents is Arial 12pt.
Headings should be bolded with Heading 1 in 14pt and Heading 2 in 12pt.
PowerPoint slides may be developed using any font or size.
All documents must be filed in the appropriate folder on Burleigh Accountants computer system.
Current folders are:
- Invoicing
- Correspondence
- Purchase orders
- Advertising
- Customer correspondence
- Staff files
- Human resources policies and procedures
General Policies and Procedures
- Record keeping policies and procedure
- Complaints handling policy and procedures
- Supporting forms and templates
If there is no relevant folder, staff should create a new folder and file it appropriately.
Burleigh Accountants complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.
When providing services, Burleigh Accountants will usually collect personal information including the client’s name, address and contact details and information specific to the service being delivered.
Burleigh Accountants will treat all client personal information confidentially and will not disclose any details to another person or organisation.
Access to information is restricted to the relevant authorised staff.
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