BSBWRT411 Write Complex Documents - Assignment Task 2
Task 2 - Section B: Skills Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following elements and performance criteria:
- Plan documents
- Determine the purposes of documents
- Choose appropriate formats for documents
- Establish means of communication
- Determine requirements of documents
- Determine categories and logical sequences of data, information and knowledge to achieve document objectives
- Develop overview of structure and content of documents
- Draft text
- Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content
- Ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated, interpreted and summarised to prepare text that satisfies document purposes and objectives
- Include graphics as appropriate
- Identify gaps in required data and information, and collect additional material from relevant enterprise personnel
- Draft text according to document requirements and genre
- Use language appropriate to the audience
- Prepare final text
- Review draft text to ensure document objectives are achieved and requirements are met
- Check grammar, spelling and style for accuracy and punctuation
- Ensure draft text is approved by relevant enterprise personnel
- Incorporate revisions in final copy
- Produce document
- Choose basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience and purpose
- Use word processing software to apply basic design elements to text
- Check documents to ensure all requirements are met
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
- Plan, draft and finalise complex documents that require review and analysis of a range of information sources
- Use business technology to apply formatting, and incorporate graphics
- Edit the draft text to ensure accuracy and clarity of information, obtain feedback on the draft and revise the draft
- Apply the enterprise style guide/house style
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following foundation skills:
- Reading
- interprets information to identify requirements and prepares material suitable to target audience and environment
- proofreads texts for accuracy
- Writing
- creates documents for a specific audience using cohesive and well-structured language to convey detailed and accurate information
- ensures vocabulary, layout and grammatical arrangement achieves meaning and intent of document
- Oral Communication
- obtains information or clarifies requirements by asking questions and listening
- Navigate the world of work
- adheres to organisational policies and procedures related to document production
- Interact with others
- follows accepted communication practices and protocols when seeking advice about documents from colleagues, supervisors and managers
- Get the work done
- plans, organises and implements tasks required to produce documents
- makes decisions based on standard procedures, using more formal decision making processes where required
- uses the main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks
Assessment information
When completing this activity ensure that consider Bounce Fitness’s Style Guide and other requirements.
You are the Marketing Officer for Bounce Fitness and you have been asked to plan, draft, prepare and produce a progress report of the organisation’s Corporate Marketing Plan for the General Manager – Marketing, Kath Jones, will present at the next Annual General Meeting.
You will need to interact with another BSBWRT411 Write complex documents student who will act as Kath to help plan, draft and prepare this document. Your trainer will provide information about when you will conduct this role play.
1.1 Plan your document:
- Make a time with Kath (other student) (5-7 mins) and discuss the purpose of the report and the requirements of the document and how the data/information will be presented
Your trainer will be assessing you on your ability to:
- Determine the purpose of the document, requirements of the document and how the data/information will be presented
- Obtain information / clarify requirements through questioning and listening
- Follow acceptable communication practices and protocols when seeking advice
- Prepare a plan for the draft version (150-300 words) of the progress report ensuring you choose the:
- right document format
- best way to communicate the information
- different categories, sequencing, structure and content
- adheres to organisational policies and procedures including the Bounce Fitness Style Guide
1.2 Complete a first draft of the document you planned in question 1:
- Review and organise the draft content for your progress report based on the reports found on Bounce Fitness’s intranet and include graphics as appropriate. Save this document as Draft Progress Report 1
- Make another time with Kath (other student) (5-7 mins) and discuss whether there are any gaps in the information you have prepared in your draft progress report, and whether you need to collect any additional materials
Your trainer will be assessing you on your ability to:
- Identify gaps in required data and information, and collect additional material from relevant enterprise personnel
- Obtain information / clarify requirements through questioning and listening
- Follow acceptable communication practices and protocols when seeking advice
- Following your meeting with Kath, finalise your Draft progress report and save as Draft Progress Report 2
1.3 Prepare the final document from your draft document in question 2:
- Review your Draft Progress Report 2 document to ensure the objective and the requirements of the document has been achieved by checking grammar, spelling and style for accuracy and punctuation and save as Draft Progress Report 3
- Make another time with Kath (other student) (5-7 mins) and to have your Draft Progress Report 3 approved, ready for final production
Your trainer will be assessing you on your ability to:
- Prepare a document for final production
- Obtain information / clarify requirements through questioning and listening
- Follow acceptable communication practices and protocols when seeking advice
- Following your meeting with Kath, finalise your final progress report by incorporating any of her feedback, and save as Final Progress Report 1. Ensure you choose the right design elements and check the document meets all requirements
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