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BUS30024 Advanced Innovative Business Practice


This major task is designed to develop your skills in working collaboratively in your multi-disciplinary teams, to leverage your discipline-specific knowledge and everyday experience so as to negotiate and develop a business strategy.

To do this you will need to show innovative and creative thinking to identify issues related to developing a business idea, what practices you may need to develop or adjust to accommodate changes of location, language, and culture, desired target market, differences in regulation or ethical standards. You will also need to show sophisticated team skills so as to use, to the full extent, the diversity of skills each of you have to research, negotiate and present your work.

You will have an opportunity to investigate an industry in depth, develop awareness of alternative business practice, develop your understanding of the business format, learn how and why to present your findings in several different formats for different audiences and in this way as a whole enlarge your understanding of the application of discipline specific knowledge in a structured professional way.


After you have done individual pitch in Week 4, now your team will create a strategy to develop a business that you will pitch to a potential investor. Your choice of business will be based on one of the following three options:

  • a new business (start-up):
  • an existing business from overseas that is not operating in Australia; or
  • a franchise currently operating in a country overseas but not in


You must be able to show that the business/franchise choice has or will have positively impacted one or more of the SDGs.

Please note the following: Large multi-national franchises such as McDonalds or KFC etc. are NOT permitted Business / Franchise choice must be approved by your tutor.


Your team will be required to

Task 2B.

Task 2C.

Prepare an INFOGRAPHIC about your chosen business /franchise and PRESENT to the audience in the video form.

(Group 20%)

Write a REPORT (Group 15%)

Specific Requirement

Task 2B Infographic and Presentation


Prepare an infographic addressing the criteria for your business / franchise. The infographic can be presented in Landscape or Portrait. All information contained within should be legible.

Information to be shown on the Infographic (as a minimum):

1.  Name of the Business / Franchise

2.  What the business does – product / service description

3.  Explanation of your business choice by

•               Identifying the competitive advantages (derived from macro, industry and competitor analysis)

•               Create a marketing mix strategy using either 4P’s (product, price, promotion and place) or 7P’s (product, price, promotion, place, people, process and physical evidence)

•               Create a Perceptual Map to illustrate where your Business

/Franchise sits in the competitive environment.

4.  Show the major financial and other information for the business

•               Start-up costs or Initial Investment cost and Contract Length (if relevant)

•               Royalty fees (if relevant)

•               Return on Investment & Payback Period

•               Expected sales growth over 5 years

5.  SDGs Impact and stakeholder charters (be creative)

6.  Swinburne University Logo

7.  Names of Team members & Team Name/Team Logo

8.  Additional items may be added as is deemed suitable for the business


•               Electronic copy, Colour

•               File Format: pdf, ppt, jpg, gif (or similar)

•               1 page ONLY

Marks 20

Present your business idea to the audience in the video form. Using your INFOGRAPHIC as part of the presentation. You are encouraged to use other audio-visual aids to enhance the attractiveness of your video presentation.

You are required to:

. 1. Demonstrate the persuasiveness of the business proposa for your chosen audience (e.g. potential investors)

Matters to note:

·        the logical sequencing of the proposal,

·        explanations as may be necessary to a non-specialist audience to understand details of proposed business,

·        data to support your presentation.

2.  Show how the team has worked together through:

·        clear/logical transition from one team member to the next,

·        equal balance and contribution of team members, and,

·        clear transition and cohesiveness of the presentation.

(Note: All the members of the team must be involved in the presentation


•    Duration of presentation 10 -12 minutes

•    All team members to present their part (unless otherwise approved by tutor)

•    Audio-Visual aids (include your Infographic) are permitted in your video presentation.

•    Business/Professional attire is required



Write a REPORT to show the research and business case for your business. The Report must include and address these matters:

1.    Executive Summary (Max length 1 x A4 Page)

2.    Introduction (approx. word length: 200 words)

3.    Description of the business, its SDG impacts and an explanation & justification for your choice.

Your discussion should include information and research from your macro, industry and competitor analysis, explaining why your team has selected the business (approx. word length: 800 words)

4.    Explain the business strategy you propose and marketing positioning

Begin by explaining your market position through the use of a Perceptual Map (or similar) and discussing competitors (showing their existing market share, weaknesses and strengths – and how you will beat them)

Identify and discuss your market potential and marketing mix strategy – describe the Target Market and develop the 4P’s or 7P’s

Explain your launch strategy and what you will do to get the brand known Will you sell the business/franchises off paper? Will you set up the first outlets as company owned stores as working model to sell future investors and for training? (approx. word length: 1,000 words)

5.    Discussion of the potential profitability of the business and explain how this would be attractive to investors. SUPPORT your discussion with information derived from your financial analysis. This should include information about likely returns on investment, initial development or start-up costs, projected payback periods and projected growth targets for revenue/ profits etc., based on the market size and market share. Detailed information for this section should be attached as an Appendix (approx. word length: 900 words)

6.    Develop a Stakeholder Charter for your business and EXPLAIN how the points developed for your Stakeholder Charter will be applied in the business. Note: You may wish touse the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact as shown at: gc/mission/principles

(approx. word length: 400 words)

7.    Conclusion (approx. word length: 200 words)

(Note: Word limits are 3,500 words +/- 10%)

Marks 15

Soft Copy submission through Canvas’ Turnitin

1.    Front Page shows the names of all the Team Members

2.    Executive Summary: 1 Page Maximum

3.    Attachments: A4 copy of the Infographic, Financial information & Calculations (Spreadsheets)

4.    Additional pages (as required) for bibliography and appendices

5.    Harvard Referencing

Expert's Answer

Artlifting is an Australian franchise of the US business of the same name with its motive being empowers artists living with homelessness or disabilities through the celebration and sale of their artwork (Artlifting, 2020).  The business act as an Art dealer for the artwork done by the homeless and disable artists throughout Australia.

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