BUS606 Business Research Proposal Topic Selection, Justification and Presentation
Assessment 1– Individual Presentation. Presentations will be made during the scheduled class time.
Assessment Description
Students are required to select a proposed research topic for their Master of Business Research thesis that is aligned to one of the seven Research Clusters in the School of Business as listed below. Students are required to make a presentation for 10 minutes to the class on their proposed research topic and answer questions from the class and the lecturer. Students must conduct extensive research on the topic and must cite relevant sources to support their research proposal.
The MBR Research Clusters are:
- Cluster 1: Leadership and Management of Large Corporations
- Cluster 2: Leadership and Management of Not-for Profit Organisations
- Cluster 3: Leadership and Management of Start-ups, SMEs and Family Business
- Cluster 4: Leadership and Management of Technological and Digital Transformation
- Cluster 5: Leadership and Management of Sustainable Business Operations
- Cluster 6: Leadership and Management of Government and Multilateral Organisations
- Cluster 7: Leadership and Management of Tourism and Hospitality Organisations The PPT presentation should address at a minimum the following points:
- The proposed title of the research project (maximum 12 words)
- The Research Cluster of the project
- The research objective
- The motivation for conducting the research
- A justification of the importance and significance of the research project
- An overview of the relevant literature and prior research concerning the proposed research project
- The proposed method for collecting data and other evidence when executing the research project
- Discussion of expected challenges and proposed solutions to these challenges when conducting the research
- The expected contribution to the field of knowledge from undertaking the research
- Reference list comprising a minimum of 10 references
Presentation requirements:
- A PowerPoint presentation in class with a minimum of 10 slides
- The PowerPoint presentation must go for a minimum of 10 Please allow an additional 5 minutes for questions time if requested by your lecturer or other students in the class.
- Your PPT should be converted into PDF and uploaded via Turnitin on the Sunday of the Presentation
- Appropriate and accurate use of the APA referencing system for in-text citation as well as a reference list
You must use a minimum of 10 references. These must be authoritative and comprise of primarily academic references (e.g. journal article or textbook) or other authoritative sources such as government reports.
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