Business Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Details

The business case study

Business case studies analyse business scenarios where existing problems need to be solved. Specifically, business cases should connect theoretical knowledge (i.e., Operations Management (OM) theory) to a practical business situation and provide a solution to challenges. The case method is core to this unit; however, you will not only benefit from analysing cases but also from writing cases. This active learning exercise not only stresses learning by doing but writing a business case is an exercise that develops higher critical thinking. Pick any of the theoretical topics covered in OM that you like the most and/or feel more confident about (e.g., operations strategy, lean operations, supply chain management, etc.) and create a business story around it. You will need to formulate questions and provide solutions from an OM point of view. For further reference, please see the business case that will be covered in our sessions and follow a similar structure.

Specific aspects* to be included in the case:

  1. Discuss the background of the firm including a brief history. You could introduce a new firm or could be inspired by an existing one but using a pseudonym to avoid copyright issues. It is important to mention that this is not a historical analysis of a given firm. Either it is an existing firm or a new one, this is just the starting point to create a compelling business story (case) around it.
  2. Discuss the currents firm’s operations (around the chosen OM topic). What are their operational capabilities? What do they have to offer?
  3. Describe the major challenge (problem) the company faces. You can create fictional characters to develop the case and improve your narrative.
  4. At the end of the case, propose three (3) relevant questions.
  5. Answer each question recommending OM solutions and how these should be implemented in the firm. What are the practical implications?
  6. Conclusions and final remarks

*Please, use headlines to separate sections

Format of Assignment

The required format for the layout is as follows:

Assignments must be typed using size 12 font, Times New Roman font style and 1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margins.

The report should contain a maximum of 2.500 words. The word count is from the start of the Introduction to the end of the Conclusions sections and does not include the cover page and appendices/references.

The report should be in the following format:

  • Title Page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
    • Briefly introduce the company, the topic, main challenge and how you plan to solve it.
  • Main analysis:
    • The company’s background – brief history
    • Current operational objectives, operations and capabilities
    • Develop the main challenge: What is the problem?
    • Formulate the case questions
  • Discussion
    • How do you answer to the case questions?
    • What are your recommendations for the company and how these should be implemented?
  • Conclusions
    • Sum up the main points from the analysis, discussion and recommendations.
  • References: You can better support your argument/recommendations with related literature and academic material.
  • Appendices
    • Appendices may include detailed tables of calculations or information sources. You should refer to their existence in the main body of the report.


Please read the section on referencing in the Unit Outline. You must use HarvardSwin style throughout your assessment and include an accurate reference list.

The word count does not include title page, table of contents, references or appendices.

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