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Business Model plan

 Assessment Item 3 Written Report                                                                                                

Due date:      Week 10 (Sunday, midnight, Darwin Time)

Value:      40%

Length:      Maximum 3000-3500 words

Task: Select any one from the list below:

  • Harvey Norman
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Jetstar
  • BUPA Health insurance

Consider their presence in Australian market only. Examine their website and social media presence (including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and any others). Analyse the impact of Social Media on their core business. For this purpose, you will need to follow these steps.

  1. Select any business from the list above that you would like to investigate within Australia
  2. Identify all their social media channels and what they are being used for (for example, they may be using social media for recruitment, marketing, sales, creating a presence and increasing the reach etc)
  3. Analyse how each of these channels are being used by the business and report
  4. Establish the positives and negatives of the use of social media. Identify any issues or problems with the current social media
  5. Identify additional social media channels that can be used to enhance their business and profits.
  6. Provide clear recommendations with a forward planning strategy as to what the business should do, with This may include removing some channels that are not reliable, adding on more channels or a better mix, etc.
  7. Tables, graphs, visuals may be used as embedded in the
  8. References will be as per Harvard Referencing style, in text citations and a list of references.

Assessment criteria: The assessment criterion is mentioned in the assessment rubrics for the assessment item.

Expert's Answer

Social media Channels of BUPA

Like all marketing campaigns, it is very important and crucial for companies to keep their eyes on social media marketing and if their efforts on social media is working or not. The best part with social media campaign is that, the brands and companies can analyse whats working and whats not. As stated by Jessica. F, 2013, there are various online tracking tools that can be used to analyse the performance of your website and other efforts made on social platforms.

Talking about social media than it wont be wrong to say that Social Media has grown in exponential manner, the large segment of the overall population around the world is now actively involve in the use of social media for various reasons (Pew Research Center, 2014). It is with the help of social media that it has allowed social media users to stay or get in touch with their peers, family members and friends (Schawrtz, 2010). Social Media is not only useful for individual but if used properly is likely to be very useful and effective for brands and companies. Companies are using social media and at the same time believe that it is really very important to have a strong brand presence for the purpose of engaging with customers, provide them the utmost services and retain bigger market share.

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