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The organization which has been chosen for this research plan is hospitality or hotel industry. Specifically the international hotel industry has been chosen and selected organization is Hilton Hotel. Hilton Hotel is international chain of full service hotels and it is considered as flagship brand of American hotel sector. Hilton has around 570 chains of hotels and resorts in around 85 countries of around 6 continents. Hilton Hotel has also maintained presence in Australia and organization is among the well-recognized hotels of the country.
The research topic which has been chosen in context of Hilton Hotel Sydney, is focused on improvement of leadership and management practices, which could lead to effective implementation of high performance workplace culture. The reason for choosing this issue for hotel is based on the fact that Hilton Hotel receive complaints from customers regarding services offered by employees of hotel. The hotel is considered as 4th largest hotel in terms of number of rooms and it is facing huge pressure from other industry players in terms of service based competition.
It is considerable that customer services are solely based on employees’ motivation, attitudes and their willingness to offer excellent services to the customers (Ahmad & Allen, 2015). The creation of high performance service based culture is considered as crucial for assuring quality services for customers and in order to establish such culture, management is needed to make reliance on effective leadership practices (Farndale & Sanders, 2017). Hilton needs to recognize discrepancies in its current leadership and management approaches, which can be recognized by carrying out research about the existing leadership practices of Hilton. The needs and concerns of employees can be recognized with regard to treatment received by leaders. If organization will remain ignorant on employees views about behavior of leaders and management practices of Hotel, then motivation level of employees could further decline and thus it could adversely affect service excellence of hotel in long run. Being in service industry, Hilton hotel cannot afford to dissatisfy its customers and thus it is important for company to conduct research about its existing leadership and management practices with an aim of improving it further. Therefore, the research will be conducted to identify the ways through which leadership and management practices will be improved to develop culture of high performance.
The research problem which will form the basis of investigating current issues in Hilton Hotel is as follows;
The justification of selecting this research question lies in the fact that being in service sector, company makes sole reliance on performance and behavior of its workforce. The performance issues on behalf of employees can mainly be addressed by developing workplace culture which offer prospects for motivating and encouraging employees (Burke et al., 2016). It is noted by Eisenbeiss, Van Knippenberg & Fahrbach (2015) that culture serves as foundation of growth and high performance workplace culture drives accountability among workforce and sets them up for succeeding within industry. Therefore, the research problem for Hilton has significance for improving the performance of employees, with respect to delivery of customers’ services.
The creation of high performance workplace culture cannot be carried out in isolation and it is crucial for organization to combine efforts of management and leaders, who drive all policies within an organization (Çelik, Dedeoğlu & Inanir, 2015). Any cultural issues are somehow linked with behavior and style of leaders. The research can allow Hilton to recognize the extent to which style of its leaders and practices of management might need modifications and improvements for driving high performance workplace culture in Hilton. Therefore, by focusing on this research, Hilton can not only explore discrepancies in its existing leadership and management practices but can also encourage change in these practices to improve workplace culture.
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