BUSM4588 Key Concepts in Human Resource Management
In this assessment, you will select one topic that interests you the most from Week 1 or 2 of the course and conduct a search of peer reviewed journals (see list of journals on Page 3). You will select two contemporary refereed journal articles (the articles should be no older than 10 years). You will apply your critical thinking and analysis skills to produce an essay that analyses the two journal articles and the literature and the issue/s in the literature, the theoretical frameworks and the methodological approaches to manage and overcome the issue/s in the journal articles. You will critically analyse and synthesise the key arguments and findings from the two peer reviewed journal articles. You will also analyse the differences across the two articles and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the two refereed journal articles.
The purpose of this assessment is to build your critical thinking and analysis skills. When you are able to analyse an article, you build academic skills. As more people are hired for how they think, than what they do, you will not only augment the skills required of you in postgraduate studies, yet also become more attune to the vulnerabilities we possess in making everyday decisions. Your application of critical thinking and analysis in this assessment will help to improve your thought processes and enable you to become a well-versed member of any team, anywhere.
Assessment criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
- Criteria one: Introduction - Selection of two contemporary refereed journal articles from the list of journals (5 Pts)
- Criteria two: Critical analysis of Article 1 and Article 2 to include the literature and the issue/s in the literature, the theoretical framework, the methodological approach to manage and overcome the issues. (5 Pts)
- Criteria three: Critical analysis of the key points/key arguments and findings from the two peer reviewed journal articles. Analysis and synthesis of the differences across the two articles highlighting the strengths and weaknesses.(5 Pts)
- Criteria four: Academic written style (spelling, grammar, syntax) and appropriate RMIT Harvard style referencing (5 Pts)
Course learning outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
CLO2 | Critically analyse issues using key concepts based on HRM theories to formulate appropriate strategies that can be successfully applied in workplace contexts |
CLO3 | Investigate, analyse, and synthesise the effect of HRM practices on ethical, social, economic, political, technological and environmental factors that impact on organisations and the labour market. |
CLO4 | Critically analyse the complexity of applying HRM theories and approaches to make professional decisions regarding the management of employees in domestic and global workplaces |
Assessment details
In essay form you will critically analyse two contemporary refereed journal articles on one topic and you will select the topic from those covered in Weeks 1 or 2 of the course. The critical analysis will involve you selecting two referred journal articles on one topic only. Therefore, if you select a refereed journal article based on ‘job analysis’ covered in Week 2, you will have to find a second article on the same topic from the same or different journal. You will access refereed journals in the RMIT library.
To analyse the articles, you will identify the topic and purpose of each of the articles, the literature and issues in the literature, the theoretical frameworks, and the methodological approaches in each article to manage and overcome the issues. You will also identify the author/s key points/arguments or findings based on evidence from the literature. Finally, you will analyse the differences, strengths and weaknesses across the two articles.
Refer to the following steps to help you construct the core elements required in your essay.
Step 1: Review the Course in Canvas and select one topic that is of interest to you, one you feel passionate about from Week 1 or 2.
You will choose one topic. For example, you may wish to examine articles on ‘Why HRM is important?’ (Week 1), or ‘job analysis’ (Week 2). There are various other topics delivered in Weeks 1 and 2 that you can choose from.
Step 2: Find contemporary refereed journal articles related to your chosen topic. (From journal list below)
- Once you have selected your topic, select two contemporary refereed journal articles related to this topic. You can select from one journal or two different journals.
- You are free to use the same or different authors for the
- As HRM is a fast-moving discipline, the more recent the articles the
- Identify the topic and the purpose of each of the journal articles – what is/are the author/s arguing?
Finding refereed journal articles
Start by researching within the following list of peer reviewed HRM journals. Do not use any other journals.
- Academy of Management
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Journal of Human Resources
- Personnel Review
- Organization Studies
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Step 3: Critically analyse the two contemporary refereed journal articles.
- Critically analyse Journal Article 1 and Journal Article 2 – literature and issue/s in the literature, theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to manage and overcome the issues across the two refereed journal articles.
Step 4: Critical analysis of the key points, arguments, findings and differences across the two journal articles
- Identification and critical analysis of the author/s key points or findings and arguments based on evidence from the literature. Finally, you will analyse the differences, strengths, and weaknesses across the two articles.
Step 5: Apply Harvard referencing and apply Easy Cite.
The following structure is recommended for the submission of your essay:
- Title page – Include: course code and name of course, assessment title, your full name and student ID number and due date. Not included in word
- Introduction – Include: selection of two contemporary refereed journal articles from the list of journals provided. Introduce the articles, the topic and the purpose of each article in the first paragraph of the Recommended word count 150.
- Critical analysis of Journal Article 1 and Journal Article 2 – literature and issue in the literature, theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to manage and overcome the issues across the two refereed journal Recommended word count 500.
- Identification and critical analysis of the author/s key points or findings and arguments based on evidence from the literature. Finally, you will analyse the differences, strengths, and weaknesses across the two articles. Recommended word count 350
- References - You must include the two contemporary refereed journal articles and reference in Harvard style. If you use other sources (refereed journal articles) they must be referenced Not included in word count.
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