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Case Study Assessment

Company ABC is a multinational company in Australia which has its branches all over the world. It has few servers like database server, Web server, Mail server and Storage Devices and different vendor’s network and switching devices to operate its activities through the online. Based on the above brief information, provide your suggestions as per the below to secure the company ABC’s data and the network:

Activity 1:

Analyze and plan to implement the new encryption technique

-Mention the advantages of encrypting data

-Provide the number of storage system that needs to be encrypted

-Mention the data-at-rest and data-in-motion encryption strategy which you are going to implement.

-Provide the date to be completed

  1. Explain the advantages of encrypting the data
  2. Provide the number of storage system that needs to be encrypted

the company ABC has database servers, web servers, mail servers and storage systems, there are more than 100 hundreds storage system to be encrypted.

  1. Mention the data-at-rest and data-in-motion encryption strategy which you are going to implement.

both data-at-rest and data-in-motion encryption strategy. Explain data-at-rest and data-in-motion encryption

Activity 2:

 Outline the effects and the performance of the purposed encryption technology.

-What may be disadvantage or draw back while implementing encryption technology

-Any traffic congestion or bandwidth utilization issues?

  1. Explain disadvantage or draw back while implementing encryption technology
  2. network uses high traffic and more resources of server is in usage so it effects the network performance and utilization of bandwidth

Activity 3:

 Provide cost and necessary suggestions to the management for implementing security system.

-Calculate the total cost you have noticed while implementing encryption technology

-Provide feedbacks in terms of security, cost and efficiency 

The total cost may vary according to the Company infrastructure.  Here in total the total cost is approximately AUD 700,000.

Explain feedbacks in terms of security, cost and efficiency and explain the importance of cyber security

Activity 4:

-Overall feedback. Whether to implement the encryption technology or not.

Explain the importance of encryption technology

Explain the need of implementing encryption technology

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