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CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships


This assessment has been developed to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your skills, knowledge and ability to discover, interpret and follow the policy, procedures and legal requirements of your Organisation. To be deemed competent, you  must demonstrate a capacity for action and decision-making consistent with the policies and procedures of the organisation.

To be assessed as competent you will be required to produce sufficient evidence (written and/or verbal) to enable your assessor to make a judgment of competence. Assessment of this unit will consist of:

Assessment Activity 1 – Short Answer Questions

Assessment Activity 2 – Demonstration with questions

Assessment Activity 3 – Scenario with questions

Assessment Activity 4 – Short Answer questions

Assessment Activity 5– Demonstration

Assessment is used:

  • to measure students' preparedness for further study or attainment of a qualification or statement of attainment;
  • to provide feedback on student learning for both students and staff;
  • to define and protect standards required for a competent outcome
  • to direct students' learning

Effective assessment for a unit or program of study will typically include a mix of assessment types, selected and designed to meet these multiple and various demands.

Following is an explanation of some terms commonly used in describing assessment:

Formative Assessment

Assessment tasks are described as formative if they provide students with feedback intended to enable improved performance on current or subsequent tasks. Formative assessment typically has the development of students' understanding or skills as an objective.

Summative Assessment

Assessment activities are described as summative if they are awarded a “Satisfactory” result and if that result is used as part of the evidence of being “Competent” in the unit.  The timing of summative assessment activities should be negotiated with you, the student. The result of each assessment activity is ‘Satisfactory' or 'Not yet satisfactory'. Students that have finished the assessment for a unit and have received a satisfactory result for all assessment activities will be given a unit outcome of ‘COMPETENT’

Assessment Process

Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate satisfactory outcomes on all summative assessment activities. Competency in the unit will be confirmed on achieving a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for all such assessment activities.

When all evidence has been gathered including a signed workplace supervisor’s report (if necessary) your Assessor will make a final judgment and sign off with C (competent) or NC (not competent).  Alternatively, you will be advised as to what further action you need to take to achieve competency.


You will be provided with formal and informal feedback at regular intervals throughout the course of study to assist in the learning process and in gaining competency in the unit.

As we are always keen to hear from our students, you will also be given the opportunity to complete the feedback sheet provided at the end of the workshop.

In addition, on completion of their course students may be sent an electronic survey to which they will be able to respond, anonymously if they choose.

Reasonable Adjustment

If at any time during the process you feel as though you need additional support from your Trainer, please do not hesitate to speak with them. All students have varying Language, Literacy and Numeracy competencies and/or physical and comprehension needs, so your Trainer will discuss how they can accommodate your particular learning needs.

Reasonable adjustment refers to measures or actions taken to provide students with the same educational opportunities as everyone else. Your trainer will discuss with you, if they/OR you feel that adjustments should be made within the training program.


Assessors will discuss with students the timeframes for completion of assessment tasks when issuing them.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is a process of assessment of skills, knowledge and competencies that relate to a course a student is taking in any education or training sector, for the purposes of gaining entry to a formal program of education and training leading to a national qualification under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), or having that knowledge or skills assessed so it counts towards completion of their course.  If you believe you already has the skills and experience to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit, please discuss the RPL process option with the Trainer.

Candidate Details

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking.  This forms part of your assessment for CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships                      


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed.  We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.

Assessment Task 1 – Short Answer  Questions

Complete the following Assessment questions individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific activity and the assessment environment). Follow the instructions of your Trainer.

No Question
1. List 10 areas or forms of communication that you use to communicate with clients and colleagues?

These are the areas where we usually communicate with clients and colleagues;

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication means conveying the message to another person by using voice and words, but in general it is more than just talking. It normally takes place in a conversation between two persons or in groups. In workplace it is necessary to share ideas and point of views verbally with a positive body language and clarity.

1)    Video Conferencing

2)    Board Meetings

3)    In a conflict

4)    Lunch break

Written Communication

It plays the most important part in any workplace as it requires to demonstrate the clear message with conciseness and appropriate tone. Written communication in workplace could be anything from a simple text message to writing any business contract.

5)    Business letters

6)    Making policies

7)    Contract letters

Visual Communication

While giving any presentation, presenter has to deliver some key points visually by using graphs and different types graphics and animation. Besides that, it nowadays using of visualization smartly and creatively is the only thing that helps in marketing and promoting the business.

8)    Presentations

9)    Marketing

Non-Verbal Communication

It means communication through gestures and facial expressions. It is usually while dealing with clients and colleagues who have different ethnic backgrounds to make them understand certain things.

10) Communicating a client with different cultural background

2. Describe how you communicate in a manner that demonstrates respect, accepts individual differences and upholds client rights?

Respecting clients’ rights and their point of views demonstrate respect and the acceptance of their individuality.  It important to avoid any type of conflict and personal attack while dealing a client.

3. What can you do to represent the organisation appropriately when you are communicating with others?

While, representing the organisation to other it is important to leave a positive impression in order to maintain the company’s reputation. One should not be bringing up negative side of the workplace when representing the organisation in public.

4. Describe some communication needs of your clients?

The basic and foremost communication needs of the clients is to be able to deliver them the message in a concise way with clarity via verbal or written communication. Along with this, make sure to keep them updated with every concerned information. 

Assessment Task 2 – Demonstration

Conduct the following Demonstration and answer the questions. Follow the instructions of your Trainer.

You are asked to host a meeting, with the purpose of discussing a workplace issue. The issue is that you have noticed that some staff have been swearing at the clients and on one occasion a staff member was heard calling a disabled client “an idiot”.

You must conduct the meeting with your group participants, each taking turns to run their own meeting. You must also complete the following tasks as part of the meeting preparation process, using the provided templates.

Before the meeting:

  • Communicate details of the meeting to the participants in a simulated email (template provided by your trainer)
  • Make sure that three people in your group have a Feedback sheet to complete

During the meeting:

  • Open the meeting, welcome participants, discuss purpose of the meeting
  • Encourage all members to participate
  • Communicate clearly
  • Resolve any conflict between participants
  • Wrap up meeting and close meeting appropriately

Before the meeting:

Respected employees,
A meeting has been scheduled on Monday 12th, June regarding the unfortunate incident you all are aware of that took place last Friday in the meeting room A where our staff member was unaware of the hearing disability of our client and in the reaction he misbehaved.


  • Ask for the feedback from 3 colleagues in your group, on the effectiveness of your communication. Think about how you could improve. Record their feedback and your ideas for improvement below

Kindly, submit your feedback regarding the meeting held on Monday, 12th June.

Summary of the Feedback:
Communication improvement suggestions:

Assessment Task 3 –  Scenario

Complete the following Assessment questions individually or in a group. Follow the instructions of your Trainer.

You are working a residential care facility which houses children and young people ranging in age from 11-17 years of age. The teenagers in the house are getting annoyed with the younger children who keep going into their bedrooms or touching their belongings. You have tried to explain to the teenagers that the younger children are just curious and exploring their new surroundings, however the teenage children are becoming more and more annoyed and short tempered. The younger children are now very becoming upset and teary every time they are scolded by one of the older teens and recently a 15-year-old lashed out angrily at a 10-year-old.

What conflict resolution strategies would you use? How do you engage positively and supportively with all parties? How could you discuss assertive behaviour with them? How could you manage the situation to prevent reoccurrence?

Firstly, I would punish that 15-year-old to do some chores and further plan a stage drama and sports activities in a residential care facility that can engage both teenagers and younger children. For example, in a drama, both teenagers and younger kids can participate actively to work on their characters, and similarly arranging a cricket match would do the same.

One of your colleagues disagrees with the way you have handled the situation and comes into the lunch room, expressing their anger and frustration at the way you have handled the situation. What is your response?  What will you say to them?

Firstly, I will ask my colleagues to look into my strategies and allow me to implement them as soon as possible and if then there is no positive influence on them and if then they disagree with me, I would ask them to do whatever they think is right for the children as they have equal rights as me to handle this situation.

Assessment Task 4 – Short Answer Questions

Complete the following Assessment questions individually or in a group. Follow the instructions of your Trainer.

1. List 5 barriers to communication and ways to address them?

Psychological Stress


An emotionally stressed person might not be able to responsive to the sender as he needs to which is barrier in effective communication. This problem can be overcome if people have a friendly environment to work with and can take a leave if unable to resume his respective duties.



Many people don’t speak the universal language fluently but they have some very creative ideas to share but due to the language barrier they are often unable to do so. For this reason, hiring an interpreter or using of different language apps can help a lot.

Time zone and regional barrier

Sometimes, in an organisation people have to conduct a business meeting with people living in different countries with different time zone which is an absolute barrier towards effective communication. To overcome this issue, it is important to arrange a meeting in a suitable time which is suitable to everyone.
Physical barrier Rules and policies should be clear and available to everyone to avoid physical barriers such as noise, distortion, physical contact in a concerned environment.
Gestures Any specific gesture is not acceptable to all the people, for example shaking hands in some countries is a sign of welcome but in other countries this act is considered rude. So, to overcome it is important to be aware of the environment where a person is interacting with others.
2. If there was some type of miscommunication (written or verbal) that caused conflict, what could you do to resolve that conflict?

If there is some kind of written or verbal conflict, I would address it personally to the concerned person to avoid it the next time

3. How would you facilitate access to interpreter or translation services, if needed?

There are many freelancers available in different websites like Fiver and Upwork who can be easily available according to the need, other than that there are many applications like iTransaltion, Google translate, Text Grabber etc.

Provide the details of the website details and phone number of translation services in this local area.

4. List verbal and non verbal communications methods


Verbal communication could be between the two persons, in a small group or maybe sometimes in a public forum. In general, the exchange of thoughts and idea directly to other person is interpersonal communication on the other hand in small group communication any special issue is addressed where everybody is allowed to give their opinions and discuss the topic freely. While, in a public communication usually only a sender is conveying a message to a large number of people.


While nonverbal communication means judging people by their gestures, facial expression and voice tone. Sometimes these nonverbal cues could easily be misunderstood, for example in some countries shaking hands is considered to be a nice gesture but in some countries it is not. So, in a workplace it is encouraged to use nonverbal cues appropriately keeping in mind the background of another person. 

5. Describe what is meant by the following terms:

·         person centred and rights-based approaches

An authorised person who is empowered enough to recognise the availability of basic rights in organisation.

·         cross-cultural communication protocols

It generally means the protocols and policies that needs to be taken care of while communicating with client having different cultural backgrounds.

·         group processes and dynamics

It means behavioural and psychological decisions made by different people in the organisations to handle different situations.

·         motivational interviewing versus coercive approach

Motivational interviewing is more of like counselling approach to let the client explore different options to make a positive decisions while in a coercive approach forces a person to behave in a certain way.

·         collaboration versus confrontation

Two parties working together to achieve some goal efficiently, while in confrontation two parties challenge each other works separately for a similar goal.

6. §  What guidelines should be put in place when considering the following digital media and their use in community services:


·         Websites

Websites should have a separate tab regarding community services with a complete transparent information related to past, present and the future projects.

·         Email/ Newsletters

Newsletters should include a brief information about the company, latest projects and with some links to more online information.

·         Social media

Social media accounts can upload daily posts and stories about the current happenings of any community service projects.

·         Podcast and videos

In podcast they can show a documentary-based video which can reflect the complete information about the specific project.

·         Tablets and applications

 Different applications can be launched for different purposes. For example, there could be a separate apps for volunteering and payment. 

·         Company intranet

Company intranet is portal which is only accessible to the employees, here they can have all the details about the completion of payments.

6. Summarise the main points to remember when communicating through digital media?

Guidelines to include about community services while communication through digital media are:

·         Purpose

·         Time frame

·         Preparation

·         Action

·         Future Perspectives

Assessment Task 5 – Demonstration

Complete the following Assessment tasks individually or in a group. Follow the instructions of your Trainer.

You are required to demonstrate your ability to complete three written forms of communication, as required in your work role.

Complete the following three documents provided to you by your trainer.

  • Email correspondence inviting people to the meeting you held in Task 2
  • Incident report
  • Disability services Incident report


When you have completed the activities in the workbook you will need to give to your trainer/assessor for marking.  The trainer will complete the Assessment Summary with their assessment decisions as “Satisfactory” or “Not Satisfactory”. There is also provision for relevant comments. Your trainer/assessor must keep your Student Assessment Workbook as evidence to support successful completion of this unit. If the judgement is that you are “Not Satisfactory”, you will be advised of what further action you will need to take to achieve competency.

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