CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People - Assignment Help

Knowledge Questions

Part I. Reflect on Own Culture, Beliefs and Biases

This assessment has been developed to extend awareness of your own culture, beliefs, and biases and how they may affect your relationships and daily practices.

Steps to Take:

Complete the table below. Reflect on your life experiences and answer the given questions.

  1. Provide examples of occurrences or events that has happened in your own life experience or history has formed your own beliefs, values, attitudes and
  2. Identify how this may have influenced your current perspectives, values, beliefs and
  3. Explain how this affected your interaction, social awareness and relationships with others.
  4. Explain you became aware of your own biases and self-limitations.
  5. Explain how you changed your behaviour and practices to promote an inclusive environment and increase social awareness.

Guidance: You may review your Learner Guide for additional reference as needed.

Life Experiences Template




Own Life Experience or History


How did this influence your current perspectives, values, beliefs and attitudes?



How did this affect your interaction, social awareness, and relationships?

How did you become aware of your own biases and self- limitations?

(Self-imposed standards)

How did you change your behaviour and practices to promote an inclusive environment and increase social awareness?/
Happening #1
Happening #2

 Part II. Communicating and Creating an Inclusive Environment

This assessment has been developed to extend on your own knowledge of how to use effective communication skills to create an inclusive environment.

Steps to Take:

  1. Read the scenario about Mila and
  2. Answer the given

Guidance: You may review your Learner Guide for additional reference as needed.


Mila is four (4) years old and lives with his dad Raben in a single parent family. His mother was killed by gunfire in Sudan when he was two (2) years old. Their family was fleeing from their town at that time due to civil fighting.

Mila is bilingual speaking both English and Arabic. Mila and his father first moved to Australia as refugees from Sudan 18 months ago after spending 12 months in a refugee camp in Egypt which they found very challenging before settling in Australia. Raben is a nurse and works four (4) days a week at the local hospital in the area. This is Mila’s first experience attending preschool and he will be attending four (4) days a week.

Reflect on Mila’s and Raben’s needs in order to create an inclusive environment where they both feel safe, welcomed, and respected.

  1. How would you make this family feel safe and welcomed in your service?
  2. Identify two (2) experiences that this family may have had which may still impact on them today.
  3. Identify two (2) strategies you would implement to process information in a culturally sensitive way.Guidance: Information processing includes identification of how and with whom information can be shared.
  1. Identify two (2) techniques to model and support open, respectful, inclusive and ethical interactions with children and develop a healthy relationship with this family.
  1. Identify two (2) strategies to create an inclusive environment which reflects the child’s family background.
  1. Identify two (2) examples of how you would create opportunities to build on the diverse background of this family in the service.

Guidance: For example, this could include incorporating specific food into the menu.

Part III. Reflection on Supporting Inclusion and Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families

This assessment gives you the opportunity to reflect and build on your knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for supporting inclusion and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

Steps to Take:

  1. Reflect on your current knowledge of supporting inclusion and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Reflect on the impact of your own values and biases in relation to practices with families and
  2. Complete the table Answer all the given questions.

Guidance: Use credible sources of information to answer the questions. This includes your Learner Guide and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources.

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