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Assessment instructions:
The purpose of this learner workbook, assessment workbook, simulation diary or logbook is to provide a guide of instruction and information in relation to the relevant assessment tasks. As a learner, you will be provided with information relating to your assessment, including how they are to be completed and submitted. Therefore, it is important that you fully understand the assessment instructions given by your trainer to avoid issues such as academic misconduct, submitting past the due date and providing incomplete assessments, which you will be required to resubmit. If you fail to understand or need more clarification on the assessments, you are required to contact your trainer/assessor for further information.
Assessment Task
The aim of assessments is to test your knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the topics being taught within a given course. This will be done by using an assessment criterion which shows what you need to do to achieve the appropriate level of competency. For the purpose of completing a written assessment, you are required to:
All assessments required to be completed are compulsory as it is a required condition of your enrolment.
Assessment requirements
The assessments within this document can be completed through several approaches such as:
All documents relating the third-party observation is to be provided to your trainer/assessor as this will be used in determining your level of competency. Third-party evidence can be obtained from supervisors (e.g., from the workplace), or clients/customers.
Please be informed that all assessments are to be typed up. Any handwritten assessments will not be permitted unless approved by the trainer/assessor. You must also comply with assessment policy and procedures at
Simulation diary (if required): You will do the simulation tasks as a part of your course in the designated simulated environment.
During the simulation session, the student is required to meet the following requirements:
Observation/demonstration/simulation (if required):
You may be required to perform tasks/works/assessments through observations, simulation, or demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with a list of demonstrations, logbooks, simulation diary or any other related documents for tasks/works/assessments. The observation, simulation or demonstration can occur in the workplace, or the training environment such as workshop, or simulation labs. During observation, demonstration or simulation, you will be provided with necessary information (e.g., timeframe) and equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You are required to perform the work, task or assessment in accordance with the required instructions.
Competency outcome
Upon completing the following assessments, your trainer will either mark the assessment indicating S for satisfactory or NS for not satisfactory (requires more training). If you, as a learner/trainee, receive satisfactory marks for all assessments within this module, you will be graded a “C” for ‘Competent’. In vice versa, “NYC” for ‘Not yet Competent’, in which your trainer will provide adequate feedback and give you a chance to resubmit. If your second submission of assessments is still NS, you may be required to (i) resubmit assessments on the third attempt or (ii) redo the course unit again, which requires re-enrolment. Please be aware that the third attempt of resubmission or re-enrolment to the course can result in additional costs/fees.
Assessment appeals process
As a learner, you have a right to appeal a decision or outcome of an assessment if you feel like it was made unfairly. However, this complaint must first be resolved with the trainer/assessor before lodging an appeal. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, then a written application of the appeal can be made to the course coordinator, outlining the grounds for the appeal in accordance with the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at
Special needs
Learning adjustments can be made for any candidate who has special needs (e.g., a student with a disability). However, the trainer/assessor must be well informed about this so they can immediately implement the necessary adjustments and have it ready before commencement.
Additional evidence
If at any event during or after the assessment process, the trainer/assessor requests you to provide additional information or an alternative submission to establish your level of competency, then you are required to do so. However, you must do so in a way that avoids any issues of privacy or confidentiality.
All information provided to us regarding your job, workplace and employer will be kept confidential in accordance with the relevant law. However, it is your responsibility to check that all information provided to us does not involve details unrelated or not agreed upon for disclosure. For example, information about your employer, colleagues and other related third parties who might be involved. Although we may require information about these other parties, it is your responsibility to check that valid consent has been given from these individuals before providing us with the requested information. This process of obtaining information from the relevant parties must also be done in accordance with the relevant law.
Recognised prior learning
Any candidate may apply for credit transfer which they wish to count towards their course credit following the application and assessment process of the credit transfer policy and procedure.
Academic misconduct
Academic Misconduct includes plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion, or any act or omission by a student which attempts to circumvent or defeat the integrity of the College’s assessment process. Without limiting the scope of the definition of academic misconduct, examples of plagiarism, cheating and collusion are provided below:
Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s work or ideas and submitting it as their own. This may include acts such as, but not limited to:
Cheating occurs when you behave dishonestly in an attempt to obtain an unfair advantage in any form of assessment. Examples of cheating include:
Collusion is defined where a learner collaborates with another learner currently enrolled or graduated to produce an assessment which is submitted as their own. This may involve two or more learners working together to produce the content of an assessment before submission.
Plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion is a behaviour that is strictly prohibited, therefore, prior to completing your assessment it is advised that you refer to our Academic Misconduct policy and procedure at to ensure relevant compliance. If you are found committing any of these acts, you will be investigated in which the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. As a result, it is important that you raise any questions regarding plagiarism, cheating and collusion with your trainer before submitting the final assessment.
Student Details
Student ID:__ _________________________________________
Name:_____ _____________________________________
Email:____ _________________________
I declare that
I have read and understood the assessment policy and procedures, and academic misconduct policy and procedures:
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
ONLY If assessment/task/work is required to be completed as part of a group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:
If you are NOT instructed to complete the assessment, work, or task in a group or in pairs, you or any other student will NOT fill or sign this section below and MUST NOT work in a group or in pairs. Failure to comply will result in not satisfactory result of required work, assessment, or task.
The content of this work/task/assessment is completed by the students named below. All students acknowledge that the assessment, work, or task must be completed by everyone’s equal contribution and in accordance with the requirements. All students declare that no part of this assessment, task, or work is taken from or completed by any other student. If the assessment, work, or task cites or paraphrases information from other sources, reference and acknowledgement of those sources must be provided.
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