CMP7212 Strategic Information Systems Planning - Assignment Help

Module Title: Strategic Information Systems Planning
Module Code: CMP7212
Assessment Title: Information Systems Strategy Proposal
Assessment Type CWRK Weighting: 100 %
School: School of Computing and Digital Technology
Return of Feedback date and format 20 working days from date of submission (see Moodle for details).
Support available for students required to submit a re-assessment: Timetabled revisions sessions will be arranged for the period immediately preceding the hand in date
NOTE: At the first assessment attempt, the full range of marks is available. At the re-assessment attempt the mark is capped and the maximum mark that can be achieved is 50%.
Assessment Summary Propose an information systems strategy for a client organization.  In preparing the strategy you will complete:

·        Stage 1: Analyse the organisation and select appropriates strategic analysis tools (25%).

·        Stage 2: Apply the strategic analysis tools and identify appropriate information systems (25%).

·        Stage 3: Evaluate the information systems identified (25%).

·        Stage 4: Document the information systems strategy (15%)

·        Demonstrate regular progress (10%).

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:

1    Critically assess the suitability of information systems planning tools and techniques for an organization.

2    Formulate an information systems strategy to address the information needs of an organization.

3    Critically evaluate the information systems strategy formulated.

4    Communicate the IS strategy professionally, engaging with stakeholders throughout the process of formulating the strategy.

 Assessment Details:

Title: Propose an Information Systems Strategy  

Style:  One-Page Proposal, Slide Stack and Progress Meetings


Information systems professionals are called upon to propose recommendations of how information systems can be used to gain and sustain competitive advantage in organizations. In this assessment you will have the opportunity to develop your skills in assessing an organization’s strategic position and propose an information systems strategy. Throughout the assessment you will discuss completed tasks with tutors to receive feedback on your work, as in industry you will need to demonstrate regular progress on your allocated work.


This assignment focuses on exploring the current strategic opportunities and threats faced by an organization and proposing a new information systems strategy to help the organization improve its strategic positionPrepare an information systems strategy for the Managing Director of a given organization. Details of the organization are given in the assessment section on Moodle. 

There are four stages of work to complete the assessment:

·        Stage 1: Analyse the organisation and select appropriates strategic analysis tools (25%).

·        Stage 2: Apply the strategic analysis tools and identify appropriate information systems (25%).

·        Stage 3: Evaluate the information systems identified (25%).

·        Stage 4: Document the information systems strategy (15%)

·         Demonstrate regular progress (10%).

A template is provided on Moodle for each stage of work.

The learning outcomes will be assessed using the elements of assessment as follows:

Learning Outcome Elements of Assessment Weighting
1.    Critically assess the suitability of information systems planning tools and techniques for an organization. Stage 1 Slide stack of tasks 1-3 25%
2.    Formulate an information systems strategy to address the information needs of an organization. Stage 2 Slide stack of tasks 4-6 25%
3.    Critically evaluate the information systems strategy formulated. Stage 3 Slide stack of tasks 7-8 25%
4.    Communicate the IS strategy professionally, engaging with stakeholders throughout the process of formulating the strategy. Stage 4 One Page Proposal of tasks -10 15%
Stage 1: Progress Meeting

Stage 2: Progress Meeting

Stage 3: Progress Meeting

Stage 4: Progress Meeting


1.    Critically assess the suitability of information systems planning tools and techniques for an organization.

Stage 1 will involve:

·         Task 1: Applying Cox’s (2014) business model to the organization you have been allocated.

·         Task 2: Developing a corporate summary diagram.

·         Task 3: Critically evaluating the strategic analysis tools.

We will be looking for accurate analysis of the organization’s situation, detailed critical analysis of tools and robust critical rationale for the choice of tools.

2.    Formulate an information systems strategy to address the information needs of an organization.

Stage 2 will involve:

·         Task 4: Applying appropriate tools and techniques.

·         Task 5: Analysing the results of applying the tools and techniques.

·         Task 6: Preparing a coherent IS strategy specifying information systems, and/or changes to existing information systems, aligned with the internal and external analysis of the organization, demonstrating a strong business case.

We will be looking for accurate application and insightful analysis of tools, alignment of changes proposed with the analysis of the organization presented and coherence of the strategy proposed.

3.    Critically evaluate the information systems strategy formulated.

Stage 3 will involve:

·         Task 7: Assessing the potential benefits of the strategic information systems strategy proposed for the organization.

·         Task 8: Providing critical evaluation of the potential challenges of implementing the IS strategy in the organization, demonstrating an appreciation of the organisation’s culture and priorities.

We will be looking for depth of critical analysis justifying the strategy proposed, the strength of relationship between theory and practice, and the degree of awareness of (and sensitivity to) the views of different stakeholders.

4.    Communicate the IS strategy professionally, engaging with stakeholders throughout the process of formulating the strategy.

Stage 4 will involve:

·         Task 9: Documenting the information systems strategy to meet the needs of a professional audience.

·         Task 10: Planning the next steps for the organisation.

We will be looking for clarity and coherence of the strategy, a professional standard of presentation to meet the needs of stakeholders and regular progress demonstrated at scheduled progress meetings, throughout the preparation of the assignment.

All material used in the report must be referenced correctly using Harvard referencing.

Additional information: 

Use the templates provided for each stage of work.

Use the scheduled time in the module to discuss draft work with module tutors.

Ensure that you act on feedback from each stage of work.

For advice on writing style, referencing and academic skills, please make use of the Centre for Academic Success:


Each stage should be between 300 and 750 words in length (excluding references).

The total assessment is equivalent to 4000 words due to the application of analytical models.

A typical student is expected to take 40 hours to pass this assignment.

Transferable skills: 

·         Strategic analysis.

·         Active listening.

·         Note taking skills.

·         Documenting analysis.

·         Strategy formulation.

·         Writing a business case.


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