CO4752 Web Application Development - e-banking Application - Assignment Help
Task Scenario:
You have been hired to design, develop and test a new e-banking application. The e-banking application gives
customers access to their standard current and savings accounts but also allows for transactions in foreign currencies. The e-banking app should enable users to:
- Access their accounts using one of the following methods:
- A valid account number and a six-digit PIN (preferred)
- A valid username and password
- Register a new account (First Name, Last Name, username, password six-digit PIN, account number)
- Perform the following tasks in their accounts:
- View an account balance
- Transfer funds from your current account to a savings account and back (when sufficient funds available)
- Make a payment to a different account (represented as another user)
- print an account transaction statement (on screen) (Last week, two weeks, month or custom period)
- The default currency is GBP, but the user can select to translate current funds in Euro (EUR) and US Dollar (USD). They still should be able to perform the above tasks with either EUR or
- The currency exchange rates will be provided by your own Restful service called
- Use the .NET framework and the MVC (Model – View – Controller) software architectural pattern
- Contain a local database (MySQL) to keep data and transaction records
- The currency RESTful service should be based on the Web API architectural You should include recent currency data in the database.
- Implement a realistic and easy-to-understand user interface that should be accessible from multiple devices (responsive design).
- The UI should have error-checking features to avoid user error
Task details:
- Develop a fully functional e-banking web application using Microsoft Visual studio and NET that meets the above requirements.
- The e-banking application should:
- Be fully functional without any bugs
- Be based on the prototype you develop in coursework one
- Implement the improvements you recommended in the usability test report
Assessment Release date: 12/02/2022 Assessment Deadline Date and time:
- Fully functional e-banking application: 14th of May 2022 @ 23:59
- MySQL DB: 14th of May 2022 @ 23:59 Please note that 23:59 is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!
Do not contact module tutors to request an ad-hoc extension, such requests will always be refused.
If you feel you need to apply for an extension/have mitigating circumstances, you need to follow the correct university process detailed at
You should submit a:
- zip package, and
- a source code text file via the link on
Both files should follow the name convention: Your Registration Number_ (FirstName LastName).zip/txt.
- The zip file should contain the following:
- Your complete visual studio
- A sql file that contains all the data you’ve created or used or tested for your project.
Note: If you source code on Turnitin shows more than 20% similarity please speak to your tutor.
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