COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis & Design - Assignment Help

Assessment 1 is an individual assessment. In this assessment, you are assigned tasks which assess your course knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 5 about different facets of systems development. All students will have to write a “professional” business report showing the answers to the required tasks listed below.

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  • Please ensure you are familiar with the Academic Misconduct Procedures.

Required Tasks

  1. Suggest the most appropriate systems development methodology for the new system (3 marks). Why? (6 marks)
  2. Briefly outline the main concept of your chosen methodology in (1) (6 marks)
  3. Suggest some effective means to determine the functions to be included in the new (6 marks)
  4. As the project leader, you need to form a project team for the development work. Who will you invite to join this project team? Why? (6 marks)
  5. Suppose, now, John prefers to develop a new car rental system whose functions are dramatically different from the existing system, and most users are not too certain of the functions to be incorporated in the new system. In this case, suggest an appropriate systems development methodology that you will use (3 marks). Explain your choice (6 marks)

You must include a reference list at the end of your submission. Also, proper in-text citations using the Harvard citation style are needed (4 marks). The reference list is excluded from the word count.

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