COIT20250 Assessment 2: Group Presentation
Assessment Task:
This is a group assessment.
You will work in the same groups (up to four members) that were formed for Assessment 1. Each group will discuss among themselves to come up with an e-business use case for this assessment. The e-business use case can be any issue related to e-business such as Smart Farming, Fleet Tracking, and Personalised Product Recommendation. You will then come up with as many emerging technologies as appropriate to address the chosen e-business use case. You can choose any emerging technologies that fit the use case, even the ones not covered in the lectures.
You will make and deliver a presentation illustrating the following:
- How the chosen emerging technologies would fit into the use case
- You need to explain what issues would be resolved by the chosen emerging technologies. You are expected mention at least two issues.
- How the chosen technologies would address the requirements of the use case
- You need to explain how the chosen emerging technologies would function to solve the problems.
- Additional benefits and ramifications of using the emerging technologies for the use case
- You need to explain at least three additional benefits/ramifications of using the emerging technologies. If there are no obvious ramifications, then you just need to explain three benefits.
The presentations will start from Week 9 and continue till Week 12. You will need to consult your local tutor to fix the date and topic (e-business use case) of your presentation. The presentations will take place during the Zoom tutorial sessions and all members of a group must take part in the presentation via Zoom on the allotted day. The date and time of presentations for ONLINE students will be determined by the Unit Coordinator.
The duration of each presentation is a maximum of 12 minutes. Up to five minutes will be allowed after the presentation to answer questions from the audience. This time frame will be strictly enforced due to time constraints.
Please note: Groups must be prepared to present on the allocated day. If one of the group members is unable to present on the allocated day, the other members should proceed with the presentation. Failure to present on the allotted day will result in zero marks being awarded unless the student has a compelling reason. In such case, the student must get an extension (via Moodle) and present a different topic at a later date.
Caution: If you are found to be involved in plagiarism, contract cheating or any other kind of academic misconduct, you may face a penalty of from receiving zero marks for the whole assignment to receiving a fail grade in the unit, or even exclusion from the university. Please make yourself familiar with the University’s Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure which is available in the policy portal
Assessment Submission:
Only one member of each group should upload the presentation file to Moodle by the above due date. It is the responsibility of the students to submit the correct final versions of their assessment items.
Assessment Criteria:
You will be assessed based on your ability to use emerging digital technologies to address e-business use cases, and work as a team member.
The marking criteria for this assessment are as follows.
How the chosen emerging technologies would fit into the use case - 2 marks
How the chosen emerging technologies would address the use case - 4 marks
Additional benefits and ramifications of using the chosen emerging technologies - 3 marks
Clarity, consistency and structure of presentation - 3 marks
Use of quality references - 2 marks
Visual aids - 2 marks
Time management - 2 marks
Quality response to questions - 2 marks
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