COIT20251 Knowledge Audits for Business Analysis - Case Study Report Help

Assessment Type: Practical and Written Assessment

Due Date: Part A Week 11 Friday (27 May 2022) 11.45 pm AEST

                  Part B Review/Exam Week Tuesday (7 June 2022) 11.45 pm AEST

Weighing: 40%

Assessment Task

This assessment should be accomplished in a group of up to four members. Please seek help from your tutor to form your group, if needed.

This assessment has two parts – Part A: Case Study Report and Part B: Annotated Peer Report.

Part A: Case Study Report (30 marks)

In this part, you are required to write a case study report based on a given case study. The case study will be made available on the Moodle unit website.

Read the given case study carefully, explore the context of the business and understand the perspectives of the stakeholders. Analyse the problems or needs of the business, come up with prospective business solution options in terms of ICT systems, business processes and organisation, assess costs and benefits of the solution options, and work out a plan to realise the benefits of the business solution. See yourself as a future business analyst and visualise yourself as applying the knowledge and skills developed in the unit to deliver the business solution, if you would have been part of a team working on this project.

In the case study report, you will need to evaluate the current business context, analyse the perspective of the stakeholders, identify the deficiencies in the current ICT systems, business processes and organisation, propose possible improvements with cost and benefit analysis, and develop a plan to deliver the business solution. You are required to demonstrate your analytical and technical skills to communicate your findings from the given scenario. The case study report should be structured as follows:

  • A title page
  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Topical headings (as required from analysis results of items 1-5 below)
  • Conclusion
  • References

Your analysis should focus on the following topics that you have to include in your report:

  1. Business context
  • Use PESTLE and SWOT analysis to analyse the external and internal environments of the business.
  1. Analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives
  • Perform a CATWOE analysis or develop business activity models (BAM) to illustrate the stakeholders’ perspective.
  1. Gap analysis
  • You will identify the problems or gaps in people, processes, organisation, and information & technology and come up with prospective solution options. You should organise your gap analysis using the POPIT model.
  1. Cost and benefit analysis
  • Identify the tangible and intangible costs and benefits of your prospective solution options. Also perform an impact assessment to evaluate what impact the prospective solution options might have on the organisation.
  1. Realisation of benefits
  • Choose one prospective solution option and develop a benefits dependency network to illustrate how the expected benefits of the solution would be achieved.

Your team members should take different roles in the team, including analyst, report writer, and proof-reader. You may rotate the leadership role. When you change the leadership role, the next analyst will assume the role of new leader heading the team in the common direction. You should divide the task of writing the analysis part of the case study report among the group members. All team members should work closely to produce the introduction and conclusion sections. The finalised version of the case study report should be read and reviewed by all team members.

The case study report should be approximately 2500 words. There reference section should include at least five references (including at least three academic references). The title page of the case study report should include student IDs and full names of all team members. Include a table showing the leadership roles, team member roles, and duration on the last page of your report.

Part B: Annotated Peer Report (10 marks)

In this part, each group will be asked to assess a case study report submitted by of one of their peer groups. Each group will collaboratively annotate the peer report assigned to them to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the analyses and solutions discussed in the report, identify the strengths of the report, the assessment criteria that were not addressed clearly/adequately in the report, and the areas of the report that need improvement.

The annotated peer report should be accomplished in Week 12. At the beginning of Week 12, the unit coordinator (or nominee) will send each group a copy of a case study report, submitted by one of their peer groups, via Moodle Annotated Peer Report forum. Each group will collaboratively complete the annotated peer report and upload it to Moodle. Failure to complete and upload the annotated peer report will result in zero (0) marks in this part.

Assessment Submission

Only one member of each group should submit the Part A Case Study Report and Part B Annotated Peer Report as MS Word documents to Moodle by the corresponding due dates and times. Please note Part A and Part B have different submission due dates and times as shown above.

Caution: Submission of an unexpected file attracts a penalty. It is your responsibility to submit the final and correct version of your assignment.

Assessment Criteria

In Part A, you will be assessed based on your ability to apply business analysis techniques to explore the context of a business, understand the perspectives of stakeholders, analyse the problems or needs of the business, come up with prospective solution options in terms of ICT systems, business processes and organisation, and develop a plan to realise the benefits of the business solution. In Part B, you will be assessed based on your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the Part A task.          

The marking criteria for Part A are as follows.

  • Executive summary: 2 marks
  • Introduction: 2 marks
  • Business context: 4 marks
  • Analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives: 5 marks
  • Gap analysis: 4 marks
  • Cost and benefit analysis: 4 marks
  • Realisation of benefits: 4 marks
  • Conclusion: 2 marks
  • References: 3 marks

The marking criteria for Part B are as follows.

  • Demonstrated understanding of the analyses and solutions discussed: 2.5 marks
  • Identified the strengths of the report: 2.5 marks
  • Identified the assessment criteria that were not addressed clearly/adequately: 2.5 marks
  • Identified the areas of the report that need improvement: 2.5 marks

Total: 40 marks

Expert's Answer

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