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Assessment name: | Complex Care Task 1B Case study |
Marking Criteria measured: | 1. Application of evidenced based principles for care assessment, care planning and management of a patient with a complex condition
2. Evidence of prioritisation in response to complex health needs 3. Apply principles of equity, self-determination, rights and access to the planning of effective, responsive care related to the selected health issue and the social justice framework 4. Communicates effectively in the academic context with appropriate and correct citations u Harvard. |
Length: | 2000 words |
Estimated time to complete task: | 25 hours |
Weighting: | 40 % |
Individual/Group: | Individual |
Formative/Summative: | Summative |
How will I be assessed: | 5-point grading scale using a rubric. See the rubric on BB. |
Due date: | Friday week 6, submitted via safe assign in your NUR331 Blackboard site by 4 pm. Date as per your group. |
Presentation requirements: | This assessment task must:
· Be a written academic case study containing headings · Times New Roman Size 12, 1.5 line spacing · use Harvard referencing for citing academic literature · be submitted in electronic format as a word document via Safe Assign. |
Task description: | The goal of this case study is for you to present a response to a clinical scenario in which you demonstrate evidenced based principles for care assessment and the management of the chosen case. |
What you need to do: | Step 1: Identify the case assigned to your course group, these are listed in the BB.
Step 2: Conduct a comprehensive secondary assessment of this patient and outline the systems assessments using the systems framework. CNS/ CVS/ RESP/ ABDO/ RENAL/ Other. Not all information for the case will be provided. You need to research what assessments might be important here and include these. For example blood tests or other diagnostic tests and present what these tests may show. You may add data as needed. Eg chest inspection showed decreased air entry in left chest. This section may not need extensive referencing as it is the assessments needed.
Step 3: Identify the main priorities of treatment for this case. Usually only 3-4 priorities will be needed and these need to be explained with appropriate references and evidenced based practice. In this section you will identify the RN responsibilities for care and how these will support the management of this case. If you choose the sepsis case there will be more priorities to cover.
Step 4: Outline and discuss appropriate discharge planning for this patient that aligns with the social justice framework and the principles of equity, rights and access for the case.
Considerations: 1. Make sure you draw on best available evidence to support your assessment. Journal articles must be no older than 5 years old. Textbooks no older than 7 years old. 2. Referencing correctly is an easy way to secure marks. Make sure you reference from credible journals that are related to the topic. 3. Use the library databases. 4. Draft safe assign is set up for you to use so you can check the writing and referencing in your assessment. 5. This is an academic essay written in academic language: use third person, do not use ‘I’ 6. Make sure you use correct terminology within your assessment and only acceptable abbreviations.
The case study assignment is an Individual Assessment Item. You may work collaboratively with other students to understand concepts in this course, but your answers must be your individual research, interpretation and application of the materials. |
Suggested Format | Introduction: (50 words max)
Outline the case chosen only to identify which case you have chosen. This is not a full introduction as the word count is needed for the task. (This is a case study and NOT an essay, so please use headings). Systematic assessment: (600 words approx) Use the headings for this section: CNS/ CVS/ RESP/ ABDO/ RENAL/ OTHER
Include in each section the assessments you would do for the chosen case and the expected results. This section does not need extensive referencing. You may use acceptable abbreviations only. Eg ECG would be acceptable.
Priorities of treatment: (1000 words approx.) Identify 3-4 immediate priorities of treatment. This would represent the first 1-2 hours of care for this patient in the emergency department. Set these out logically and discuss everything that is required in relation to each priority. This would include the RN responsibilities here, evaluations by the RN and all actions to manage this patient for each priority. This would include any assessments, documentation and nursing actions or interventions. It will also include the medical treatment for the patient. For example it may include the administration of medications and the RN role in giving these. Use references to support this section. (There is no suggested number of references but they need to support the information and be appropriately used and relevant).
Discharge Planning: (200 words approx.) Outline and discuss appropriate discharge planning for this patient that aligns with the social justice framework. Link the SJF to any suggestions made.
Conclusion: Not needed for this case study. |
Resources needed to complete task: | · Harvard Referencing guide
· study-support/online-study-resources/referencing-and-academic- integrity-guide/harvard |
See the rubric on the BB for this task.
Case 1 Pneumothorax TOD Group ONLY
Mr Luke Hayes is a 25 year old man who has been admitted to the emergency department at 2000 hrs with right chest pain after a motorbike accident. He suffered no LOC. He is feeling SOB. He was wearing a helmet and now has a CSpine collar in situ which the QAS put on after the accident.
Current obs: T 36.5, P102 and regular, RR is 30 and shallow, BP 100/60, oxygen sats 92% on 2litres via the nasal prongs. Pain score 9/10. His GCS is 15.
Luke’s weight is 80kgs. Luke is married to Julie aged 24 years. They live in a rented house and have 2 young children.
Allergies- Nil
Current medications- nil
Past illnesses- appendicitis at age 11.
Last ate- dinner at 1800. Chops and vegetables.
Mr Harold Bates is a 75 year old retired schoolteacher who is driven to hospital by his wife following a one hour history of sudden increasing shortness of breath and pleuritic right sided chest pain which came on while watching TV. Mr Bates is a known smoker, pale, sweaty and anxious on arrival and denies any regular medications. Harold lives in a suburban area lives with his wife Jean in a high set house with 12 steps to enter the home. He has two daughters who live nearby. Harold had recently suffered from a fractured femur from a fall which was repaired and he was now fully mobile. T 36.5 PR 98, irregular, RR 28, BP 140/80, Oxygen sats 93% on room air, GCS 15, BMI 27.
Allergies- nil
Current medications- atorvastatin daily
Past illnesses- pneumonia in 2018, hypercholestolaemia, fractured NOF 6 months ago.
Mr John Douglas is a 70 year old man who has been admitted to the emergency department after feeling unwell for 4 days at home with nausea and vomiting.
His current observations are: T39, HR 120, RR 24, BP 90/60, and his oxygen sats are 92%. GCS is
He weights 88kgs. He still works as a factory worker. He admits to drinking 6 stubbies of beer a night. He smokes a packet of cigarettes a day and has done this for 30 years. He does little exercise, but his job involves being on his feet all day. On assessment of John’s knowledge of his condition, he admits that he only did Grade 5 of primary school, and really cannot read well. He is divorced and has no children.
Allergies- nil Current meds- nil
Past illnesses- diverticulitis, right carpel tunnel repair 6 years ago.
Mr John Douglas is a 70 year old man who has been admitted to the emergency department after feeling unwell for 4 days at home with nausea and vomiting.
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