Construction Waste Management Online Tutoring
Outline of Research Field and Review of Articles
Designing channels for effective waste management is a critical part of engaging in sustainable construction management and developing buildings that adhere to the principles of sustainability. The area of construction waste management is comprehensive such that it not only covers the measures which can be taken to reduce waste but also includes exploring processes and methods for reusing waste. The three principles in effective waste management plan therefore include recycling, reducing and reusing waste (Winkler, 2010). Efficiently and successfully managing construction waste is fundamental for ensuring that the both liquid and solid waste generated during the building process does not damage the environment while contaminating water sources located in urban and rural settings.
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An important research theme within the broader categories of construction management and construction waste management is that of generation and flow. Building waste is not only generated during the course of the construction process but can also emerge as sites undergo demolition. Accordingly, the flow of construction waste is associated with the identification of streams through which waste is collected and finally routed towards the disposal site in a safe and efficient manner through the use of appropriate logistics channels. The following sub-section presents a critical analysis of 15 research articles and justifies the research theme based on the insights provided by these scholarly works.
The research work by Zheng et al. (2017) notes how a significant increase in construction activity in China has coincided with a rise in construction and demolition (C&D) waste. The work suggests the absence of dedicated methodologies to understand the generation and flows of this waste and suggests that adopting recycling practices which in turn reduces the utilization of landfills can have a positive environmental and economic impact.
In their scholarly article, Luangcharoenrat et al. (2019) identified the sources of construction waste in Thailand. The categories of waste sources were that of design and documentation and materials and procurement among others. Key factors in each of these categories were also shown to increase waste. For example, ineffective storage of materials coincided with an increase in costs associated with materials and procurement. The research findings highlighted a need to control these factors and engage stakeholders for developing strategies to counter this issue.
The research work conducted by Saez et al. (2014) documented strategies and measures for addressing construction and demolition waste (CDW) with a particular focus on residential projects. The researchers performed an examination of changes in CDW flows and developed a framework for estimating the generation of CDW in projects to help construction managers procure the approximate number of containers and discover the space required for effective CDW management.
The research conducted by Lu et al. (2016) proposed the development of an S-curve model to identify waste generation during the course of a project. This research has implications for the planning and forecasting phases of the construction project as it provides a standard for waste generation with reference to various projects with a significant level of efficacy and accuracy.
The work of Jain, Singhal and Jain (2018) utilized a material flow top down analysis approach to explore the level of CDW in India. The research also identified rural and urban patterns of waste generation by indicating that the rural population has a greater footprint of CDW in India owing to the significantly greater presence of rural settlements in the country.
In their research Li et al. (2016) performed a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the waste generation process and combined several models such as the work breakdown structure and mass balance principle to develop a new framework for forecasting the quantities of waste. The new model titled the ‘quantitative construction waste estimation model’ addresses the limitations of existing forecasting models and has implications for research in the realm of waste generation prediction.
Identifying a gap in the presence of waste generation models that can present a phase-wise breakup of waste, Bakshan et al. (2015) developed a model for quantifying waste streams that are generated during separate phases of the construction processes in addition to a generalized plan which can be implemented on a town or city level. Their research presented recommendations for implementing an integrated plan for construction instant waste management to address key contributors of waste generation.
The research conducted by Backchan and Faust (2019) highlighted the need to perform construction waste generation estimates of non-residential buildings. The study found that decisions taken during the course of the construction stage have an influence on the composition and generation of construction waste. Researchers identified the highest waste streams during various stages of the construction process and recommended the need to place specialized dumpsters on the construction site which take the characteristics of each waste stream into account.
Accordingly, the study conducted by Lai et al. (2016) critically examined the construction waste management reporting system in Taiwan which was introduced in 1997 and was officially launched in 2000. The researchers identified that a reporting system which keeps track of the waste flow while checking actual waste generation results can prove to be effective in reducing construction waste. This research identifies the best practices in CDW from Taiwan and has practical implications for other regions where policymakers seek to introduce a reporting system for CDW.
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The study performed by Kurdve et al. (2015) adopted a waste flow mapping approach to identify inefficiencies in the handling and management of waste and explored areas where loss in materials could be reduced. The analysis verified the validity and efficacy of waste flow mapping as an effective approach for enhancing the efficiency of waste material management.
The research conducted by Gulghane and Khandve (2015) assessed the flow of materials within the construction process and examined how inefficiencies in their management can contribute to an increase in construction waste. The research indicated that materials management techniques such as the free-flow mapping presentation can support the logical and clear presentation of material flows which can encourage reduction in waste.
Similarly the work conducted by Lockrey et al. (2016) employed the technique of material flow analysis to examine the recycling rate of construction waste. Findings from the study revealed that a lack of proper classification for CDW was a primary reason for low recycling rates. Hao et al. (2019) developed a systems dynamic model to assess the economic benefits of engaging in effective management of construction waste. The model involved a sub-category that also catered to the aspect of waste generation. Findings of the study indicated that sorting waste at the point of generation can improve the efficiency of the waste management process and encourage CW reduction.
Accordingly, Paz, Lafayette and Sobral (2018) utilized a geographic information system to promote waste management in Recife, Brazil. The research highlighted the efficacy of this tool in documenting waste management flows from the construction sites to landfills and was identified as an effective framework to assist in the sorting, collation and subsequent transportation of waste.
Udawatta et al. (2018) assessed the construction waste management from an Australian perspective and examined the strategies for reducing or eliminating waste generation in such projects. The researchers proposed various strategies to achieve this goal which included effective construction lifecycle management and engaging in proper supervision of team members. The research holds implications for developing CDW guidelines on a policy level and monitoring the efficacy of these solutions.