Consumer Focused Treatment Plan Essay - Assessment Three
Learning outcomes
This assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes:
- Deconstruct stepped care, its barriers and opportunities and impact on consumers and their families.
- Analyse the range of interventions within primary health settings and the impact of these interventions for at least one vulnerable group within the community.
- Critically discuss the role of ‘lived experience’ of mental illness and distress in informing policy and practice of mental health care including mutual self-help, peer support and advocacy
Assessment details
Building from the scenario you chose in assessment task two (Part A):
- Develop a biopsychosocial formulation for your chosen scenario and identify areas which require intervention.
- Identify two (2) non- government organizations (NGO’s) within the primary health setting appropriate for your person. Develop a mental health plan and discuss the available treatments in relation to your scenario incorporating relevant interventions provided by these NGO’s. Your plan should consider the following:
- Measurable and attainable treatment goals
- Recommended treatments and by whom
- Self-care/help activities
- Appropriate community resources the person may access
- A safety plan with recommended contacts
- Provide a brief outline of the anticipated trajectory and outcomes.
Theme: Psychosis
Daniel is a 20-year-old Kamilaroi male who is in his second year at university. Daniel currently is employed part time at a local restaurant and lives in share accommodation. Both of Daniel’s parents are school teachers, but are very active in the Indigenous community. Daniel has very strong connections with his family and community but has found university a struggle as he is away from them.
Daniel is struggling to submit his assessments and has been feeling very negative about people and life in general. He is having trouble sleeping and is becoming increasingly withdrawn. More recently, he has failed 2 of his subjects and is facing failing 2 more as he has not been able to submit his assessments.
Past medical/ psychiatric history:
Daniel grew up on country and was born in the local hospital. He experienced middle ear infections when he was a young child, however this was treated appropriately and he did not sustain permanent hearing deficits. There is a family history of diabetes on his maternal side but no other medical concerns of note. Daniel’s cousin died by suicide at the age of 24 following a “psychotic episode”.
Current presentation:
A few weeks ago, he began having some strange experiences. For example, he began seeing people out of the corner of his eye who were looking straight at him, but who were not there when he looked again. He was also sure there was someone yelling at him and calling his name loudly in his ear. It seemed like every radio announcer was talking directly to him on the radio and telling him what to think or what to do. His housemates have become increasingly concerned as Daniel has been heard yelling at “nothing” and has been holding “bizarre” conversations with them.
Notes from the lecturer regarding the assessment
There are three key areas for this assessment as follows:
- Develop a biopsychosocial formulation for your chosen scenario and identify areas which require intervention.
I would suggest here it would be appropriate to use the Ps- Presenting issues, precipitating, perpetuating, predisposing and protective factors. In doing this, you should easily then be able to cover the biopsychosocial component.
This is worth 30% of your marks. Therefore, 30% of your efforts should be afforded to this.
- Identify two (2) non- government organizations (NGO’s) within the primary health setting appropriate for your person. Develop a mental health plan and discuss the available treatments in relation to your scenario incorporating relevant interventions provided by these NGO’s. Your plan should consider the following:
- Measurable and attainable treatment goals
- Recommended treatments and by whom
- Self-care/help activities
- Appropriate community resources the person may access
- A safety plan with recommended contacts
- This is the largest component with the highest mark allocation of 45%. This should be where your focus largely lies.
- Pick 2 NGOs here that are RELEVANT for your chosen scenario. A google search should help out with this- if you have engaged in the PERCI content it is likely you will already have done some googling of NGOs so may have a head start.
- Please remember when picking your NGO that you provide one RELEVANT to your scenario. It is not suffice to provide a broad one like kids helpline. Yes they are helpful, but that is not necessarily an organisation which would be involved in provision of care. Consider your scenario- for example, for Daniel with psychosis, an early psychosis program run by an NGO may be helpful.
- This section also requires that you develop a care plan. There are 5 key components listed above that you need to include in your care plan. You may wish to use headings for each of these sections to discuss. DO NOT USE DOT POINTS
- Provide a brief outline of the anticipated trajectory and outcomes.
This is the smallest part of the task content wise. 15% of your marks are allocated to this.
This section simples requires that you provide an outline of what you would expect the outcomes to be for your person to achieve their recovery. You need to genuinely consider your individual and make sure what you are saying is realistic. It is not realistic to suggest (for example) that after attending 2x DBT sessions Melanie would stop engaging in self-injurious behaviour.
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