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In medical therapy, antimicrobial therapies have played major role in treating most of bacterial infections and it is considered as simple and effective procedure. With the advent of antibiotics and antimicrobial treatments, the bacteria’s induced diseases and relevant mortality rate has reduced substantially, such that this issue is not regarded as unaddressed problem (Arnold & Straus, 2005). The antimicrobials are differentiated agents used in drugs which restrict the growth of pathogens within human body without causing an adverse effect on human health. However, it has been noted by Altiner et al., (2007) that from the last years of 20th century, it has been witnessed that resistance for antibiotics has enhanced among pathogenic bacteria for some infections, which has posed substantial hazard for overall health and wellbeing of public health. It has been addressed by Costelloe et al. (2010) that overuse of antibiotics is considered as prevalent issue which then cause resistance of antibiotics. Moreover, it has been noted by Cross, Tolfree & Kipping (2016) that prescription of antibiotics is complex process, which calls for careful consideration of patients as well as pathogens characteristics, such that effectiveness of drug can be enhanced for specific microbial pathogens. It is further considerable that there are no regulations regarding the prescription of antibiotics and it poses huge obligation for both physicians and pharmacist who might provide patients with antibiotics over the counter. These primary care providers are considered to have dual responsibility, which at one hand fosters them to provide patients with antibiotics to treat them in timely manner and at the other hand to restrict the use of antibiotics with an aim of lowering antibiotic resistance (Charani et al., 2011). The reduction in use of antibiotics is highly important for sustaining public health and for assuring that long run efficiency of antibiotics can be maintained. On the basis of this notion, it highly important to design strategy for educating community as well as primary health care providers to rely on most sensible prescription of antibiotics. The educational efforts can sensitize public about the overuse of antibiotics, with the purpose of assuring that prescription of antibiotics is reduced for mild infections, which could be cured even without taking antibiotics.
It has been highlighted in the research of Burstein et al. (2019) that World Health Organization has truly appreciated the role of community and public in the regulation of resistance related issue for antibiotics. For instance, it is noted that public tend to have over-expectations about the role of antibiotics in fighting against pathogens, which has encouraged the increasing prescription of antibiotics. As an instance of this, it has been provided by Butler et al. (2012) that most of the adults are likely to expect that antibiotics are effective for cold related issues, however there is no need of taking antibiotics for such mild ailments. Additionally, sensitivity of adults towards children treatment has also enhanced use of antibiotics, as children are among the group with highest prescription rate of antibiotics (Arnold, 2005). On the basis of these facts, the importance of treatment guidelines and educational efforts is realized, such that appropriate use of antibiotics can be encouraged, in addition to reduction of unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics.
Most of the research has focused on meta-analysis of studies that focus on usefulness of education programs that can enhance awareness about prudent use of antibiotics. The insight of research has indicated that multiple aspects of interventions are being used for educating people regarding informed use of antibiotics (Davey et al., 2013). Mainly, interactive seminars, mailing campaigns, focused education targeting small groups of people, outreach visits, leaflets and combination of any of these strategies are considered as important for educating communities and public (Hersh & Kronman, 2017). One study has indicated that rate of antibiotic prescriptions has reduced substantially among antibiotic group, such that 34% decline was witnessed in prescription of antibiotics (Degeling et al., 2018). The care givers have mentioned that followed by education interventions, they take more conscious approach prior to prescription of antibiotics and they only consider it appropriate when antibiotic use remains only option for treating any specific disease (Dyar et al., 2016). These outcomes have provided evidence of the notion that education and intervention programs are highly useful for encouraging prudent prescription of antibiotics in primary care.
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